Types of Automated Parking Systems


Uploaded on Nov 21, 2019

Category Automotive

Automated Parking Systems (APS) are car parking systems that have been specifically designed to utilize verticals spaces, instead of horizontal, and make use of compact plot areas.

Category Automotive



Types of Automated Parking Systems

TYPES OF AUTOMATED PARKING SYSTEMS •Automated Parking Systems (APS) are car parking systems that have been specifically designed to •utilize verticals spaces, instead of horizontal, and make use of compact plot areas. AUTOMATIC – COMBIPARKER, SLIMPARKER, MULTIPARKER, PARKSAFE, LEVEL PARKER, PARKING PLATFORM AND TURNTABLE Benefits of Automated Parking Systems • One Space, Multiple Cars • Decreased Traffic Congestion • Reduced Operational Costs • Significantly Reduced Land Usage • Decreased Environmental Pollution • Higher Customer Satisfaction • Better Safety & Security • Feasibility and Profitability CONTACT US Factory and Sales Office Contact Person Gat No.1098, Urawade Road Pirangut, Tal. Mulshi, Contact Person Ms. Rashmi Sabane Dist. Pune - 412 115 Mr. Sondeep Kulkarni Senior Executive Maharashtra, India (Vice President - Sales) (Sales Support) Tel: +91-20-6674 88 48 Cell: +91 98 222 07863 Cell: +91 Service Toll Free Number: E-mail: 9922001195 1800-267-8848 [email protected] E-mail: Fax: +91-20-6674 88 53 n rashmi@wohrparki E-mail: [email protected] ng.in