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Adam Smith Biography, Books and Facts.
Adam Smith: Biography, Books and Facts Introduction Adam Smith was a Scottish political economist and philosopher. He has become famous by his infl uential book The Wealth of Nations (1776). Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ Birth • Smith was the son of the comptrol ler of the customs at Kirkcaldy, Fi fe, Scotland. • The exact date of his birth is unknown. However, he was baptized at Kirkcaldy on June 5, 1723, his father having died some six months previously. Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ Early Life • At the age of about fi fteen, Smith proceeded to Glasgow university, studying moral phi losophy under "the never-to -be-forgotten" Francis Hutcheson (as Smith cal led him). Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ Education • In 1740 he entered Bal l io l col lege, Oxford, and he rel inquished his exhibit ion in 1746. • In 1748 he began del ivering publ ic lectures in Edinburgh under the patronage of Lord Kames. Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ Professional Life • In 1751 Smith was appointed professor of logic at Glasgow university, transferring in 1752 to the chair of moral phi losophy. • His lectures covered the fi eld of ethics, rhetoric, jur isprudence and pol it ical economy Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ First Publish • In 1759 Smith publ ished his fi rst work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. • Didactic, exhortative, and analyt ic by turns, i t lays the psychological foundation on which The Wealth of Nations was later to be bui l t . Source: www.britannica.com Jurisprudence and political economy • Smith now began to give more attention to jurisprudence and pol i t ical economy in his lecture and less to his theories of morals. • An impression can be obtained as to the development of his ideas on pol it ical economy from the notes of his lectures taken down by a student in about 1763 which were later edited by E. Cannan. Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ Magnum opus • On returning home to Kirkcaldy, he devoted much of the next ten years to his magnum opus, which appeared in 1776. Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ Death • In 1778 he was appointed to a comfortable post as commissioner of customs in Scotland and went to l ive with his mother in Edinburgh. • He died there on July 17, 1790, after a painful i l lness. Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/ The Wealth of Nations The Wealth of Nations has become so infl uential since it did so much to create the subject of political economy and develop it into an autonomous systematic discipline. In the western world, it is the most infl uential book on the subject ever published. Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/