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PPT on Advance care planning.
Advance care planning
Advance care planning Introduction Advance care planning is not just about old age. At any age, a medical crisis could leave you too ill to make your own health care decisions. 2 Source: www.nia.nih.gov S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T What Is Advance Care Planning? Advance care planning involves learning about the types of decisions that might need to be made, considering those decisions ahead of time, and then letting others know— both your family and your health care providers—about your preferences. 3 Source: www.nia.nih.gov S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T Advance Care Planning Decisions Sometimes decisions must be made about the use of emergency treatments to keep you alive. Decisions that might come up at this time relate to: • CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) • Ventilator use • Artificial nutrition (tube feeding) and artificial hydration (IV, or intravenous, fluids) • Comfort care 4 Source: www.nia.nih.gov S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T What is CPR? Cardiopulmonary resuscitation might restore your heartbeat if your heart stops or is in a life-threatening abnormal rhythm. It involves repeatedly pushing on the chest with force, while putting air into the lungs. 5 Source: www.nia.nih.gov S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T Using artifi cial nutrition and hydration near the end of l ife If you are not able to eat, you may be fed through a feeding tube that is threaded through the nose down to your stomach. If tube feeding is still needed for an extended period, a feeding tube may be surgically inserted directly into your stomach. 6 Source: www.nia.nih.gov S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T What is comfort care at the end of l ife? Comfort care is anything that can be done to soothe you and relieve suffering while staying in line with your wishes. 7 Source: www.nia.nih.gov S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T Advance Care Planning Start by thinking about what kind of treatment you do or do not want in a medical emergency. 8 Source: www.nia.nih.gov S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T Why it's important? • It helps to ensure you receive the care you actually want • It improves ongoing and end-of-life care, along with personal and family satisfaction • Families of people who have undertaken advance care planning have less anxiety, depression, stress and are more satisfied with care • For healthcare professionals and organisations, it reduces unnecessary transfers to acute care and unwanted treatment 9 Source: www.advancecareplanning.org.au S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T Planning is for everyone • It is particularly important if you: • are older • have a chronic illness • have multiple diseases • have an early cognitive impairment • are approaching the end of your life 1 0 Source: www.advancecareplanning.org.au S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T The process Advance care planning doesn't need to be complicated but it does require careful consideration. It involves thinking about your values and preferences for care and acceptable outcomes, talking about them with others, appointing someone to make decisions on your behalf and documenting everything. 1 1 Source: www.advancecareplanning.org.au S A M P L E F O O T E R T E X T