Application of Artificial Intelligence in e-commerce


Uploaded on Jul 12, 2023

Category Technology

PPT on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in e-commerce

Category Technology



Application of Artificial Intelligence in e-commerce

A P P L I C A T I O N O F A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E I N E - C O M M E R C E Chatbots To Answer Customer Query  Most renowned e-commerce businesses have chatbots on thei r websi te to make the customer exper ience worthwhi le . With chatbots in place, once consumers v is i t an eCommerce website , they' l l be greeted with a pop-up quest ion on the screen ask ing, ‘How can I he lp? ’ .  They can then use th is feature to ask re levant quest ions and get immediate responses f rom the AI- programmed system. Source: Generation Of Product Descriptions  Product descr ipt ions g ive customers more informat ion about the product and why they're worth buying. A wel l -wr i t ten one is cr i t ical to your business as i t can act as a shop ass istant for your customers.  I t can confi rm whether the features of the product they intend to purchase match what they're looking for. Source: Handling And Processing Of Business Data  Apart from the many products that e-commerce websites se l l , they also have to deal with and organize a lot of data dai ly. This includes managing your product database and informat ion such as:  The total sales per day  Purchases  Inventory leve l  Goods returned Source: Privacy and Cybersecurity  The eCommerce industry involves buying and sel l ing goods, with transactions occurring onl ine. While convenient, this can also attract hackers and cybercriminals.  When this happens, the sensit ive personal information of your customers could be stolen and leaked, which can put them at risk. This could also stain the reputation of your onl ine business and hurt your success.  Source: Sales Forecasting  eCommerce businesses can predict and generate accurate forecasting of future sales and market trends using AI . This is possible through the use of the fol lowing:  Data analysis  Studying previous and current e- commerce trends  Looking at historical data Source: After Sale Support  Apart from sel l ing qual i ty products and ensuring a smooth buying process, art ifi cial intel l igence has enabled eCommerce businesses to provide effi cient after-sale services to their customers. Source: Filter Forged And Fake Reviews  I f an eCommerce website has many negative comments, this can scare the customer away. There are occasions in which people with i l l motives forge these reviews to make the business lose i ts customers, reduce its sales volume, and operate at a loss. Source: Voice Search  In today's modern era, voice assistants have become popular. People can use their voice to ask for relevant information on the internet, schedule a meeting, and even ask for the location of diff erent places. Source: Giving Recommendations  Artifi cial intel l igence can also be used to recommend products that you should buy. For instance, i f you're searching for a particular i tem on an eCommerce website, you' l l be able to see other similar items to what you're looking for. Source: THANK YOU