Climate Change and Sustainability


Uploaded on Aug 28, 2023

Explore the interconnected topics of climate change and sustainability, examining the challenges posed by environmental shifts and the imperative for responsible resource use to ensure a viable future for our planet.



Climate Change and Sustainability

Climate Change and Sustainability INTRODUCTION There is a significant connection between climate change and sustainable development. Firstly, they are both factors that impact society and the environment. Source: DEFINITION Climate change is presently a major, global issue that impacts the environment and society in several ways, and sustainable development aims to reduce the impacts of climate change that affect the environment and society. Source: Climate change Climate change plays a role in determining human landscapes and living conditions, which can impact both social and economic development. Source: Impacts of Climate change The impacts of climate change include rising temperatures, rising sea levels and extreme weather (droughts, flooding, storms.) These impacts can lead to negative effects on the environment and society, such as land degradation, disease, death, and mental health issues. Source: Sustainable Development Sustainable development is a means of maintaining development to ensure the needs of society are met presently, but also in the future. Source: Impact of Sustainable Development Human development can negatively impact the natural environment as advances in science and technologies cause environmental harm. Source: Sustainable Development Policies Some policies aim for sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. These policies can help to remedy impacts associated with climate change, of which include natural resource depletion, mass consumption, and the effects of pollution. Source: Sustainable Development Goals Additionally, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 different goals that attempt to improve our world through sustainable development. Some goals include the aim to end poverty, protect land and marine species, ensure clean water worldwide, ensure gender equality and tackle the climate issue. Source: Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability The environment is a huge element linked to climate change due to the impact climate change has on the environment. This means that environmental sustainability is crucial in reducing the impacts of climate change. Source: THANK YOU