Uploaded on Jan 30, 2023
PPT on workplace injuries
What are the most common injuries in the workplace?
W H A T A R E T H E M O S T C O M M O N I N J U R I E S I N T H E W O R K P L A C E ? INTRODUCTION According to the Nat ional Safety Counc i l , every seven seconds an employee is in jured on the job. Work in jur ies not only aff ect the employee, but thei r col leagues and employer. Fortunate ly , there are precaut ions that companies can put in p lace to he lp prevent these most common work place in jur ies. Source: www.mercycare.org Slips and Falls Sl ips and fa l l s are a large l iabi l i ty to a company. A person can fa l l and, in the process , h i t the ir head, in jure thei r back or f racture a bone. Source: www.mercycare.org Strains One of the most common workplace in jur ies i s employees stra ining the ir back or neck. Stra ins typical ly occur when employees try to l i ft suppl ies or a del ivery without the proper technique or equipment. Source: www.mercycare.org Repetitive Use Injuries Repeti t ive use in jur ies can be brought on by administrat ive , manufactur ing, and process ing tasks . But rea l ly any movements done al l day, mul t ip le days a week, w i thout rest can, lead to a repeti t ive use injury. Source: www.mercycare.org Cuts Letter openers , box cutters and sharp edges on offi ce equipment have been to know to in jure employees to the po int o f needing a workers’ compensat ion c la im. Source: www.mercycare.org Collisions and Crashes Pr ime examples of work-re lated co l l is ions and crashes, inc lude dr iv ing fork l i fts , sa les reps v is i t ing c l ients in personal or company cars and tra i le r operators. Source: www.mercycare.org Being hit by falling objects Plenty of workers fi nd themselves on the rece iv ing end of fa l l ing objects – and what ’s more, th is i sn’ t just a problem in warehouse-type envi ronments. Source: www.bytestart.co.uk Inhaling toxic fumes While most of us don’t work wi th hazardous chemicals , those of us who do may be at r i sk of sk in or eye react ions as wel l as potent ia l ly more ser ious in jur ies when exposed to them without protect ion. Source: www.bytestart.co.uk Exposure to loud noise You might think that industr ia l deafness is a th ing of the past and went out with a l l those o ld heavy industr ies , but that ’s not the case – not least because many industr ia l workers cont inue to be exposed to loud no ises whi le at work. Source: www.bytestart.co.uk Fire and explosions Fi res and explos ions can burn your body t issue, cause severe damage to your respi ratory system, and potent ia l ly cause d isfi gurement. This type of workplace injury is not too common, but i t does have the h ighest casual ty rate depending on how c lose you are to the b last . Source: www.visitcompletecare.com