Uploaded on Sep 16, 2021
PPT on Cooperative learning.
Cooperative learning
COOPERATIVE LEARNING WHAT IS COOPERATIVE LEARNING? Cooperative Learning is an instructional method in which students work in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal under the guidance of the teacher. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu PERSONAL INTERDEPENDENT In general we talk about positive interdependence when a gain for one is a benefit for the other. Pair and group members experience themselves as a team and are on the same side working toward the same goal. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY In the cooperative classroom, students work together as a team to create and to learn, but ultimately every individual student is responsible for his or her own performance. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu EQUAL PARTICIPATION Pair and group work is usually very well welcomed by students, but the problem is that it is difficult to check whether students are equally working. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu SIMULTANEOUS INTERACTION Cooperative learning strategies on the contrary are designed to produce simultaneous interaction, so to engage as many students as possible simultaneously. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu GROUP PROCESSING After completing their task, students must be given time and procedures for analyzing how well their learning groups are functioning and how well social skills are being employed. Group processing involves both taskwork and teamwork, with an eye to improving it on the next project. Source: serc.carleton.edu COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES THINK-PAIR-SHARE Think-Pair-Share is the solution to the situation every teacher encounters when asking a question in class: having the same student(s) answering every single time. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu TIMED-PAIR-SHARE Timed-Pair-Share is perfect for students to interact and practise the language, so it can be used in every subject where the context is everything and it makes sure every student will talk and listen for the same amount of time. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu AGREE-DISAGREE LINE-UPS A good way to involve some movement before starting a Timed-Pair-Share and to make sure students get to talk to everybody else in the classroom and not merely their neighbours is Agree-Disagree Line-ups. Source: www.teacheracademy.eu