Deep-sea mining Good and Bad


Uploaded on May 24, 2023

PPT on Deep-sea mining



Deep-sea mining Good and Bad

D E E P - S E A M I N I N G : G O O D A N D B A D Introduction  Some so lu t ions to dea l w i th c l imate change cou ld damage the env i ronment . An idea under sc rut iny i s deep-sea m in ing - the explora t ion o f meta ls used for 'g reen' p roducts , wh ich cou ld undermine de l i ca te ocean ecosys tems. Disadvantage for Wildlife  In the deep sea, we fi nd underwater mounta ins that are oases for sea creatures, anc ient coral reefs and sharks that can l ive for hundreds of years .  These are among the longest l iv ing creatures on Earth, which makes them part icular ly vulnerable to physical d is turbance because of the ir s low growth rates.  Researchers est imate that harm to wi ld l i fe f rom mining “ is l ike ly to last forever on human t imescales” . Source: Extinction of creatures found nowhere else on the planet  The creatures of the deep sea, specia l ly adapted to l ive in the extreme al ien environment of the ocean depths, a lmost look l ike something f rom another p lanet . Source: Disturbing one of our best allies against climate change  The deep sea is an incredib ly important store of ‘b lue carbon’ , the carbon that i s natura l ly absorbed by marine l i fe , and which remains stored in deep sea sediment for thousands of years after these creatures die – he lp ing to s low c l imate change. Source: Disturbing one of our best allies against climate change cont.  But by impact ing on natura l processes that store carbon, deep sea mining could even make c l imate change worse.  The disrupt ion caused by the machines may re lease carbon stored in deep sea sediments, and the wider impacts could disrupt the processes that s tore carbon in those sediments . Source: Impacting the ocean food chain  This widespread disrupt ion to marine l i fe would impact the whole ocean food chain. Source: Source of renewable energy  The deep sea environment holds a weal th of minerals , such as manganese, cobalt , copper, and n ickel , which could be used for rapidly growing renewable energy technologies inc luding solar panels , wind turbines, and e lectr ic -vehic le batter ies. Source: Potential Opportunity  But whi le some raise concerns about the impact deep sea mining could have on the environment, others highl ight the potent ia l opportunity of becoming one of the fi rst countr ies to explo i t these resources. Source: Increase in demand  As the demand for metals and minera ls cont inues to increase wor ldwide, mining act iv i t ies are rapid ly expanding as var ious countr ies look to lead the growing global industry. Source: Deep sea mining industry  The nascent deep sea mining industry wi l l l ike ly begin to be deve loped despi te growing environmenta l concerns over rushing regulat ions in the sector. Source: