A Definitive Guide on Joint Venture.


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A Definitive Guide on Joint Venture.

A Definitive Guide on Joint Venture INTRODUCTION  A Joint Venture involves two or more businesses pooling their resources and expertise to achieve a particular goal.  The risks and rewards of the enterprise are also shared. Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org What can you get from joint venture?  A Joint Venture could give you:  more resources  greater capacity  increased technical expertise  access to established markets and distribution channels Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Types of Joint Venture Co-operate with another business  One option is to agree to co-operate with another business in a l imited and specifi c way. For example, a small business with an exciting new product might want to sell it through a larger company's distribution network. Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Separate joint venture business  Alternatively, you might want to set up a separate joint venture business, possibly a new company, to handle a particular contract. A joint venture company l ike this can be a very fl exible option. Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Business partnership  In some circumstances, other options may work better than a business corporation. For example, you could form a business partnership.  You might even decide to completely merge your two businesses. Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Joint venture - benefits  A successful joint venture can off er:  access to new markets and distribution networks  increased capacity  sharing of risks and costs with a partner  access to greater resources, including special ized staff , technology and fi nance Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Joint venture - risks  Partnering with another business can be complex. It takes time and eff ort to build the right relationship.  The objectives of the venture are not 100 per cent clear and communicated to everyone involved  There is an imbalance in levels of expertise, investment or assets brought into the venture by the diff erent partners Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Choosing the right joint venture partner  The ideal partner in a joint venture is one that has resources, ski l ls and assets that complement your own.  The joint venture must work contractually, but there should also be a good fi t between the cultures of the two organizations. Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Choosing the right joint venture partner  When you decide to create a joint venture, you should set out the terms and conditions in a written agreement.  This wil l help prevent any misunderstandings once the joint venture is up and running. Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org Make your joint venture relationship work  A clear agreement is an essential part of building a good relationship.  Communication is a key part of building the relationship.  It 's usually a good idea to arrange regular, face-to-face meetings for al l the key people involved in the joint venture. Source: www.infoentrepreneurs.org