Uploaded on Feb 25, 2021
PPT on A Definitive Guide to understanding Biomagnification.
A Definitive Guide to understand Biomagnification.
A D E F I N I T I V E G U I D E T O U N D E R S TA N D B I O M A G N I F I C AT I O N W H A T I S B I O M A G N I F I C A T I O N ? • Biomagnification can be defined as the rise or increase in the contaminated substances caused by the intoxicating environment. • The contaminants might be heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, and pesticides such as polychlorinated biphenyls and DDT. Source: byjus.com C AU S E S O F B I O M A G N I F I C AT I O N A G R I C U L T U R E • The agricultural pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers and fungicides are very toxic and are released into the soil, rivers, lakes, and seas. • These substances contain small amounts of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, copper, lead and cadmium. • These cause health issues in aquatic organisms and humans. Source: byjus.com O R G A N I C C O N T A M I N A N T S • Manures and biosolids are processed industrially and contain contaminants like pharmaceuticals and personal care products. • These substances have an adverse impact on the health of humans, animals, and wildlife. Source: byjus.com I N D U S T R I A L A C T I V I T I E S • The industries and factories release toxic substances that are released into the soil, lakes, oceans, and rivers. • The gaseous emissions pollute the environment which enters into the food chain leading to biomagnification. Source: byjus.com M I N I N G A C T I V I T I E S I N T H E O C E A N • Mining activities are carried out in the deep sea to extract metal like zinc, Aluminium, cobalt, silver and gold. • The mining process generates a large amount of selenium and sulphide, which deposits in water and destroys the oceans and coastal regions. Source: byjus.com E F F E C T S O F B I O M A G N I F I C AT I O N I M P A C T O N H U M A N H E A L T H • Biomagnification makes humans more prone to cancer, kidney problems, liver failure, birth defects, respiratory disorders, and heart diseases. Source: byjus.com E F F E C T S O N D E V E L O P M E N T O F M A R I N E C R E A T U R E S • The toxic chemicals accumulate in the important organs of aquatic organisms that affect their reproduction and development processes. Source: byjus.com D E S T R U C T I O N O F C O R A L R E E F S • Cyanide that is used in leaching gold and fishing is the main cause of the destruction of coral reefs. Coral reefs are the dwelling and feeding grounds for many sea creatures. • Their destruction affects the lives of many aquatic animals. Source: byjus.com D I S R U P T I O N O F F O O D C H A I N • The chemicals and toxins which are released into the water bodies disrupt the food chain. • The small organisms absorb the toxins which are eaten up by larger animals. • These toxins, thus, get accumulated in the higher level of organisms. Source: byjus.com