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PPT on Development and Utilization of Bio-Based Fuels.
Development and Utilization of Bio-Based Fuels
Development and Utilization of Bio- Based Fuels Biofuel Biofuel, any fuel that is derived from biomass that is, plant or algae material or animal waste. Since such feedstock material can be replenished readily, biofuel is considered to be a source of renewable energy, unlike fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Source: www.britannica.com Environment Friendly Biofuel is commonly advocated as a cost- effective and environmentally benign alternative to petroleum and other fossil fuels, particularly within the context of rising petroleum prices and increased concern over the contributions made by fossil fuels to global warming. Source: www.britannica.com Types Of Biofuels Some long-exploited biofuels, such as wood, can be used directly as a raw material that is burned to produce heat. Liquid biofuels are of particular interest because of the vast infrastructure already in place to use them, especially for transportation. Source: www.britannica.com Economic And Environmental Considerations In evaluating the economic benefits of biofuels, the energy required to produce them has to be taken into account. Biofuels also supply environmental benefits but, depending on how they are manufactured, can also have serious environmental drawbacks. Source: www.britannica.com Bio-fuel developments Current bio-fuel developments vary from development of large plantations and new factories in rural areas, stimulation of localised bio-fuel production, promotion of bio-diesel production marginal areas to the potential of using food crops for bio-fuel production. Source: www.britannica.com U T I L I Z A T I O N O F B I O - B A S E D F U E L S Transportation Biofuel can be turned into a hydrogen steam that is meant to be used in adjoining fuel-cell. More major car brands have already invested in stations for biofuel-powered vehicles. Source: www. sgbiofuels.com Energy Generation Biofuel can be used to generate power in backup systems where emission matters most. This includes facilities such as schools, hospitals and other forms located in residential areas. Source: www. sgbiofuels.com Provide Heat Bioheat has grown over the past few years. As the primary use of natural gas that comes from fossil fuel, the heat that comes from hydraulic fracturing will lead to the production of natural gas. Source: www. sgbiofuels.com Clean Oil Spills and Grease Biofuel is known to be environmentally- friendly, biofuel can also help to clean up oil spills and grease. It has been tested to work as a potential cleaning agent for areas where crude oil contaminated the waters. Source: www. sgbiofuels.com Remove paint and adhesive Biofuel can replace the toxic products that are designed to remove paint and adhesives. Biofuel is also considered as the best method for removing non-critical applications. Source: www. sgbiofuels.com