What is Digital Health and Why is it Important


Uploaded on Mar 4, 2022

PPT on Digital Health and Why is it Important.



What is Digital Health and Why is it Important

WHAT IS DIGITAL HEALTH AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? DIGITAL HEALTH TO THE RESCUE • Digital health is gradually occupying a significant position in our daily lives, making it a worthy tool in medical device and healthcare technology trends for 2021. Source: www.cognihab.com TELEMEDICINE • COVID-19 has greatly accelerated the use of telehealth resources. In April of 2020, 43.5% of Medicare primary care visits utilized telehealth methods rather than in-person visits. Source: mobidev.biz IMPROVEMENT IN DATA SCIENCE AND PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS • Rapid improvement in data science and predictive analysis has given doctors access to deeper insights like gathering information about ancestry and family history, detecting patients with high risks to diagnose problems in an effective way. Source: www.cognihab.com ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE • This trend has great potential for improving healthcare technology in 2020 and 2021. • Artificial intelligence with information processing and decision-making similar to humans open up many possibilities. Source: www.cognihab.com 5G NETWORK • The quality and speed of the network are imperative for health care centers to provide facilities in remote areas through telehealth. Source: www.cognihab.com VIRTUAL, AUGMENTED, AND MIXED REALITY • Virtual reality and Augmented reality have advanced healthcare technologies significantly. • AR and VR have a lot of potentials to offer in the healthcare industry. Source: www.cognihab.com INTERNET OF MEDICAL THINGS (IOMT) • By combining IoT development with telemedicine and telehealth technologies, a new Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has emerged. Source: mobidev.biz PRIVACY ISSUES • Although cloud computing can make storing and retrieving data more efficient, regulations to secure Protected Health Information (ePHI) are very strict and complying with them can be very difficult. Source: mobidev.biz BLOCKCHAIN • Blockchain is a trend that stands to vastly improve the healthcare industry in 2020 and coming years. • Digital ledgers can enable healthcare providers to distribute transaction records to patients securely and will greatly improve data security. Source: mobidev.biz THANK YOU