Uploaded on Sep 5, 2023
Digital transformation in business is the process of leveraging cutting-edge technology and digital tools to revolutionize operations, improve efficiency, and enhance customer experiences. By embracing innovations such as cloud computing, data analytics, automation, and online platforms, companies can adapt to the digital age, stay competitive, and drive growth in an increasingly interconnected world.
Digital Transformation in Business
Digital Transformation in Business Introduction Digi ta l t ransformat ion is the integrat ion of dig i ta l technology into a l l areas of a bus iness, fundamental ly changing how you operate and de l iver value to customers. Source: enterprisersproject.com The ability to craft a clear strategy focused on business value Companies should focus the ir t ransformat ions on spec ifi c domains (customer journeys, processes, or funct ions) that generate s ignifi cant va lue for the bus iness. The transformat ion should be guided by a road map, which detai ls the solut ions and resources needed to de l iver change to pr ior i t i zed domains . Source: www.mckinsey.com A strong talent bench with in-house engineers No company can outsource i ts way to digi ta l exce l lence. Be ing d ig i ta l means having your own bench of d igi ta l ta lent work ing s ide by s ide wi th your bus iness co l leagues. The best dig i ta l ta lent programs go way beyond hi r ing: they should inc lude employee value propos i t ions that attract and retain the best ta lent ; agi le and dig i ta l HR processes to fi nd, manage, and tra in ta lent ; and a heal thy environment where the best ta lent thr ives . Source: www.mckinsey.com An operating model that can scale Digi ta l t ransformat ions depend on cross- funct ional teams that br ing together people f rom across the company. Most companies a l ready have a handful of these teams, but scal ing to support hundreds or thousands of them requi res a new operat ing model . Source: www.mckinsey.com Distributed technology that allows teams to innovate independently Technology in an organizat ion should make i t eas ier for teams to cont inual ly develop and re lease digi ta l innovat ions to users. To make this happen, organizat ions should foster a distr ibuted technology envi ronment where every team can access the data, appl icat ions, and software development tools they need. Source: www.mckinsey.com Access to data that teams can use as needed Rel iable , current data are cruc ia l to successfu l dig i ta l t ransformat ions. Data archi tecture should produce data that are eas i ly accessib le by teams across an organizat ion, and should be continual ly assessed and updated. Strong governance is required to enable this capabi l i ty. Source: www.mckinsey.com Strong adoption and change management In the past , the technology adopt ion cyc le was a l inear process of gather ing requi rements, developing so lut ions , test ing, and then tra in ing the end user. This process often resulted in low adopt ion rates and ul t imately low business value . Source: www.mckinsey.com Value creation Digi ta l so lut ions typical ly target one or a few operat ional KPIs that can usual ly be translated into fi nanc ia l benefi ts. Source: www.mckinsey.com Team health Many dig i ta l t ransformat ions progress more s lowly than in i t ia l ly p lanned because the ir teams are understaff ed, they did not adopt modern ways of work ing such as agi le , or they lack cr i t ical capabi l i t ies such as product management and user-exper ience des ign. Source: www.mckinsey.com Change-management progress These metr ics measure the progress in bui ld ing new capabi l i t ies and the heal th of the transformat ion i tse l f. Source: www.mckinsey.com