Effects of Anti-Depressants on Health


Uploaded on Sep 6, 2022

PPT on the effects of Anti Depressants on Health.



Effects of Anti-Depressants on Health

EFFECTS OF ANTI-DEPRESSANTS ON HEALTH INTRODUCTION • Antidepressants are drugs that have been shown to be effective in treating depression in controlled clinical trials. • In general, they are used as adjuncts to other types of therapy for depression, such as brief psychotherapy, supportive therapy, and electroconvulsive therapy. Source: www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/ SIDE EFFECTS • Like all medications, antidepressants can have side effects. Some of the most common include: • Headache • Agitation • Nausea or vomiting • Sleeplessness • Drowsiness • Reduced sex drive • Dry mouth • Weight gain Source: www.webmd.com HOW LONG DO THE SIDE EFFECTS LAST? • Many side effects last only for a few days or weeks and then get better. Others may continue until you stop taking the medicine. Source: www.webmd.com ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND YOUR BRAIN • Antidepressants change how neurotransmitters function, making more available so that when a message comes along, it can be properly delivered. Source: www.webmd.com NEUROTRANSMITTE RS • Increasing the available neurotransmitters might have the desired effect of alleviating depression, lowering neuropathic pain, or improving one's thought process, but it can also have unwanted effects. Source: www.webmd.com BRAIN SHRINKAGE • The prefrontal cortex and amygdala work together to control emotional responses and the recognition of emotional cues in other people. • This can potentially contribute to a reduction in empathy in individuals. Source: www.healthline.com BRAIN INFLAMMATION • Because brain inflammation can cause the cells of the brain to die, this can lead to several complications, including: • shrinkage • decreased function of neurotransmitters • reduced ability of the brain to change as the person ages Source: www.healthline.com OXYGEN RESTRICTION • Antidepressants has been linked to reduced oxygen in the body. • These changes may be due to changes in breathing caused by depression, but which comes first and causes the other remains unknown. Source: www.healthline.com STRUCTURAL AND CONNECTIVE CHANGES • The effects of antidepressants on the brain also can result in structural and connective changes. • These include: • Reduced functionality of the hippocampus. Source: www.healthline.com THANK YOU