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PPT on Embedded Programming: Definition, Role, and Importance.
Embedded Programming: Definition, Role, and Importance.
E M B E D D E D P R O G R A M M I N G : D E F I N I T I O N , R O L E , A N D I M P O RTA N C E E M B E D D E D P R O G R A M M I N G Embedded programming is a specific type of programming that supports the creation of consumer facing or business facing devices that don't operate on traditional operating systems the way that full-scale laptop computers and mobile devices do. Source: www.techopedia.com A S S E M B LY L A N G U A G E Programming of an embedded system in assembly language (input) and converting it into the machine-level language (output) using an assembler can be explained. Source: www.techopedia.com C O M P O N E N T S O F E M B E D D E D S Y S T E M S • Embedded Hardware: The micro-controller is the heart of the embedded system. • Embedded RTO’s: An embedded real-time operating system is used to perform all complex (ar operations. Source: www.elprocus.com C O M P O N E N T S O F E M B E D D E D S Y S T E M S C O N T . • Device Drivers: It acts as a bridge between the operating systems and peripheral devices. • Communication stacks: It is used for communicating with external devices. • Embedded applications: It performs the predefined function of the embedded device. Source: www.elprocus.com E M B E D D E D S O F T WA R E • An embedded software or embedded system programming is computer software, which is used to control devices by providing a set of instructions. • It is also named firmware, various devices with various functionalities can be programmed using embedded software, by maintaining design constraints. Source: www.elprocus.com A D VA N TA G E S • The following are the advantages of Embedded programming: • Loading of data is faster • Cost is low • Utilizes less resources. Source: www.elprocus.com D I S A D VA N TA G E S • The following are the disadvantages of Embedded programming • Upgrading is complex • Every time resetting is necessary if any problems occur • Scalability for small values is difficult. Source: www.elprocus.com A P P L I C AT I O N S • The following are the applications of Embedded programming: • Banking • Automobiles • Home appliances • Car • Missiles, etc. Source: www.elprocus.com T H A N K Y O U