Energy and its Impact on the Environment


Uploaded on Apr 26, 2022

Category Education

PPT on Energy and its Impact on the Environment.

Category Education



Energy and its Impact on the Environment

Energy and its Impact on the Environment Introduction Energy and environmenta l problems are c lose ly re lated, s ince i t i s near ly imposs ible to produce, t ransport , or consume energy wi thout s ignifi cant environmenta l impact . Source: 2 Environmental problems The environmental problems di rect ly re lated to energy product ion and consumption inc lude ai r pol lut ion, c l imate change, water pol lut ion, thermal pol lut ion, and so l id waste disposal . The emiss ion of a i r pol lutants f rom foss i l fue l combustion is the major cause of urban ai r pol lut ion. Source: 3 Burning fossil fuels Burning foss i l fue ls is a lso the main contr ibutor to the emiss ion of greenhouse gases. D iverse water pol lut ion problems are associated wi th energy usage. One problem is o i l sp i l l s . Source: 4 Disadvantage In a l l petro leum-handl ing operat ions, there is a fi ni te probabi l i ty of spi l l ing o i l e i ther on the earth or in a body of water. Coal mining can also po l lute water. Source: 5 Changes in groundwater flow Changes in groundwater fl ow produced by mining operat ions often br ing otherwise unpol luted waters into contact with certain mineral mater ia ls which are leached from the soi l and produce an ac id mine drainage. Sol id waste is a lso a by-product of some forms of energy usage. Source: 6 The eff ect of power plants on the landscape Al l power p lants have a physical footpr int ( the locat ion of the power p lant) . Some power plants are located ins ide , on, or next to an exist ing bui ld ing, so the footpr int is fa i r ly smal l . Most large power p lants requi re land c lear ing to bui ld the power p lant . Source: 7 Nuclear power plants produce different kinds of waste Nuclear power p lants do not produce greenhouse gases or PM, SO2, or NOx, but they do produce two genera l types of radioact ive waste: Low- level waste, such as contaminated protect ive shoe covers , c lothing, wip ing rags, mops, fi l ters , reactor water t reatment res idues, equipment, and tools , i s stored at nuclear power p lants . Source: 8 Climate change The sc ient ifi c consensus on g lobal warming and c l imate change is that i t i s caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emiss ions, the major i ty of which comes from burning foss i l fue ls wi th deforestat ion and some agr icul tural pract ices being also major contr ibutors . Source: 9 Biofuel use Biofue l i s defi ned as sol id , l iquid or gaseous fuel obtained from re lat ive ly recent ly l i fe less or l iv ing b io logical mater ia l and is d iff erent f rom foss i l fue ls , which are der ived from long-dead bio logical mater ia l . Var ious p lants and plant-der ived mater ia ls are used for biofuel manufactur ing. Source: 10 Thank you Presentation title 20XX 11