Uploaded on Dec 30, 2020
PPT on What are FAANG companies.
What are FAANG companies.
WHAT ARE FAANG COMPANIES? HOW THE WORLD WILL END THE DOMINANCE & MONOPOLY? INTRODUCTION If anything but a pandemic signals the end of the epochal year, then it's a change of perspective to a once almost unanimously respected community of businesses who are vaguely associated as technology giants — Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google or FAANG. Source: infinox.com RUDE CORPORATE PRACTISES Governments on both sides of the Atlantic appear to be committed to solving what they see as rude corporate practises, tax evasion, and abuse of data, both arising from excess business influence in industries such as searches, internet shopping and digital publicity. Source: theprint.in FULFILL CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS These enterprises represent or build critical requirements in the internet era and have done well as other enterprises in the evolving pandemic reality (more online shopping for example). Source: visualcapitalist.com MONOPOLY It is said that the effect is partially due to the violation of supremacy in the business. The ensuing prosperity is not complained by investors. FAANG stock prices increased by about 50% in 2020, up from about 75% during three years ago. Source: theprint.in BIG FIVE And there appear to be trillion dollar companies in Amazon, Apple and Alphabet (which owns Google), and Facebook is on the way. More than a half of the S&P 500 index currently account for the big five. Source: msci.com DOMINANCE Power is a by-product of such richness and the most powerful unchosen individual, a suprastate, was identified as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. He has more than once proclaimed his intention of "protecting" the legitimacy of national elections, ironical as Facebook is under scrutiny in order to weed hate speech and false news. Source: chinadaily.com INVESTIGATION INTO GOOGLE’S DEALS WITH PARTNERSHIP FIRMS A couple of months ago Google's agreements with collaboration businesses, including Apple, who may have not been competitive with, were introduced by the U.S. Department of Justice to avoid delivery of alternative search engines. Source: theprint.in TEXAS AGAINST GOOGLE Texas brought an action against Google claiming that it had decided to auction Facebook for internet space ads. Earlier, the European Union (EU), for its distorted search results to support its shopping search app, placed a record $2.7 billion fine on Google in June. Source: theprint.in THE WORLD WILL END THE DOMINANCE Amazon has been researched for improper use of third-party trade information. As the FAANG enterprises have earnings routed into low-tax paradises, the EU is also looking at a proposed tax revenues rise. Facebook is in the meantime under threat because of the burden on competing companies promising competition. Source: www.wsj.com CONTROLLED DATA TRANSMISSION LAWS The successes of the regulatory movements are not clear, and whether Facebook's WhatsApp and Instagram acquisition will be reversed by the US. All denies corruption. Google objected to the EU, but avoided using an Irish tax exemption when Facebook rejected a cross-border data sharing directive. Governments such as India have protested and controlled data transmission laws. Source: thales.in