Forest Conservation


Uploaded on Nov 10, 2021

Category Education

PPT on Forest Conservation.

Category Education



Forest Conservation

FOREST CONSERVATION INTRODUCTION • Forest conservation as the name suggests is the preservation and the protection of forests. It also involves the reversal of deforestation and environmental pollution. • The preservation of all natural resources is absolutely essential for the balance of our ecosystem. 2 Source: IMPORTANCE OF FORESTS CONT. • Forests also prevent soil erosion and keep soil pollution in check. Deforestation, in fact, leads to soil erosion on a large scale since the topsoil comes loose. 3 Source: WAYS TO CONSERVE THE FOREST 4 CONTROLLED DEFORESTATION • While deforestation cannot be avoided completely, we must look to control it. Young and immature trees should not be felled as far as possible. • We must look to avoid large-scale commercial deforestation as well. Adapting practices such as clear- cutting or selective cutting will be beneficial in the long run. 5 Source: PROTECT AGAINST FOREST FIRES • Forest fires are the most common and deadly cause of loss of forests. They can start due to natural causes or can be accidents caused by man or even intentional in some cases. • Once a fire spreads in a forest it is very difficult to control. Precautions must be taken for such incidents. Making fire lanes, spreading chemicals to control fire, clearing out dry leaves and trees etc. 6 Source: AFFORESTATION • This is the process by which we plant more trees in the area. We try to increase the forest cover by manual transplantation, or fresh plantation of trees. • It is an attempt to balance our ecosystem to reduce the effects of deforestation and environmental pollutions of all types. 7 Source: BETTER FARMING PRACTICES • Slash and burn farming, overgrazing by cattle, shifting agriculture are all farming practices that are harmful to the environment and particularly to forests. We must keep all these practices under control. 8 Source: FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEFORESTATION • Rapid growth of population in the developing countries. • Extension of agricultural and grazing lands. • Rising demand for lumber, timber, paper, pulp, fuel- wood and charcoal, and other forest products. 9 Source: CONSEQUENCES OF DEFORESTATION • Soil erosion, • Floods, • Desertification, • Loss of biodiversity, • Decrease in forest products like fruits, nuts, medicinal plants, wood and timber, • Drying up of springs in the mountains, • Alteration in the rate of albedo • Spread of certain diseases because of global warming 10 Source: THANK YOU