Freedom of Speech and Its Restrictions


Uploaded on Jul 25, 2023

PPT on Freedom of Speech



Freedom of Speech and Its Restrictions

FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ITS RESTRICTIONS Introduction Freedom of speech is a constitutional protection that gives individuals and communities the right to present their ideas and opinions without fear of being censored by the government. In the United States, the right to free speech, press, and assembly are guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution. Source: The exchange of ideas The exchange of ideas between people from different backgrounds is a key component to keeping a democracy healthy. While the government can censor some speech, American citizens are given the right to present their views publicly. Source: Pros Allows minority communities to voice their concerns about the unique challenges they face. New ideas are not stifled by the government, leading to technological and social advancement. Can be used to reveal corrupt or unlawful actions committed by the government or corporations. Source: Cons Could be used to encourage violence against other members of society. Allows the spread of potentially harmful misinformation. Can be used by powerful individuals to drown out other voices. Source: The Need to Protect Freedom of Speech 1. For the discovery of truth by open discussion. 2. It is an aspect of self-fulfilment and development. 3. To express beliefs and political attitudes. 4. To actively participate in a democracy. Source: Restriction on Freedom of Speech 1. Security 2. Sovereignty and integrity of the country 3. Friendly relations with foreign countries 4. Public order 5. Decency or morality 6. Hate speech 7. Defamation 8. Contempt of court Source: Freedom of Speech on Social Media The High Court of Tripura has held that posting on social media was virtually the same as a fundamental right applicable to all citizens, including government employees. It also asserted that government servants are entitled to hold and express their political beliefs, subject to the restrictions laid under the Tripura Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1988. Source: Hate Speech The Supreme Court of India had asked the Law Commission to make recommendations to the Parliament to empower the Election Commission to restrict the problem of “hate speeches” irrespective of, whenever made. Source: Freedom of Speech in Art In relation to art, the court has held that “the art must be so preponderating as to throw obscenity into a shadow or the obscenity so trivial and insignificant that it can have no effect and may be overlooked.” Source: THANK YOU