Uploaded on May 16, 2023
PPT on Generation Gap
Generation Gap And How To Solve It?
GENERATION GAP AND HOW TO SOLVE IT? Introduction The dynamics at play in today’s g lobal workforce are complex and fasc inat ing – not least because there are now four generat ions working together, and somet imes fi ve. Source: www.wilgroup.net Generation Gap Each generat ion has i ts own id iosyncras ies, pre ferences, management sty les and personal goals , which can lead to misunderstandings and even confl ict at work. Source: www.wilgroup.net CAUSES OF THE GENERATION GAP Lack Of Understanding Too Many Comparisons Not Enough Interact ion Source: www.wilgroup.net HOW TO SOLVE IT? Characterstics of Each Generation I t ’ s important to understand the mot ivat ions and reasoning behind each generat ion’s character is t ics . For example , people in Generat ion Z, born s ince 1996, have grown up wi th technology a l l around them, gain ing the ir fi rst mobi le phone as a chi ld and never knowing the pre- Internet wor ld. Source: www.wilgroup.net Encouraging multi- generational team working The best way to get people to accept each other’s d iff erences is to get them to work together. This might be through coaching and mentor ing or by ensur ing d ivers i ty across project teams and committees. People natural ly seek out the things they have in common, so th is can be a very eff ect ive approach. Source: www.wilgroup.net Establishing clear cultural values As leaders , i t ’ s important to be c lear about how our people are expected to behave. There can be fundamental diff erences in how diff erent generat ions l ike to work – a perfect example being the o lder generat ions’ pre ference for fi xed, offi ce-base hours versus Gen Y and Z’s desi re to work remotely, to thei r own t imetable. Source: www.wilgroup.net Embedding technology that drives collaboration Al l generat ions want to fee l accepted and valued at work as part o f a cohesive team. Col laborat ion is at the root o f th is – yet th is can be chal lenging in today’s workplace, where teams can be spread across d iff erent locat ions and even t ime zones. Source: www.wilgroup.net Communicating at all levels Another commonal i ty across a l l ages of employee is that they each need and va lue of communicat ion. Part icu lar ly in the dig i ta l age, where new technology and transformation are the norm, i t i s essentia l to ensure that everyone in your organisat ion understands the d irect ion of t rave l and the reasoning behind i t . Source: www.wilgroup.net THANK YOU