Growth Of Robotics.


Uploaded on Sep 9, 2021

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PPT on Growth Of Robotics.

Category Education



Growth Of Robotics.

GROWTH OF ROBOTICS Introduction • Robots are becoming increasingly popular throughout the manufacturing world. This wave of growth doesn’t seem to be cresting anytime soon, according to statistics. Source: Future Market • Since the robotic market is not a mature one, experts agree that this period of growth for robots does not mimic those of decades past. It has the ability to stay around for a while. Source: Advancements in technology • The substantial advancements in technology have spurred on this period of robotic growth. • With robotics companies constantly innovating introducing new software and features for robots along with making robots with increased payload capacities and improved reach. Source: Industrial robot growth • As companies learn to master new robotic applications and create more intelligent robots, robots will only further expand in the global market. • This industrial robot growth may penetrate so far into the manufacturing industry that they may cause a tipping point all on their own. Source: Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical • In the first place, the pharmaceutical industry has experienced some significant impacts over the past year. • Indeed, with 2020 bringing a global pandemic, the industry had to rapidly alter its processes to respond to the emerging and changing health situations. Source: Food and Consumer Goods • The food industry has been adopting automation steadily over the last several years. This is also true in the consumer goods industry. • In fact, both industries increasingly require shorter turnaround times as consumers demand products faster. Source: Plastics and Rubber • The plastics and rubber industry is a vital part of modern business. With the increasing demand for packaging and consumer goods, companies operating in this industry have to continuously make changes to keep up. Source: Automotive • The automotive sector has long been the trailblazer in robotic adoption. The first industrial robot, the Unimate, was deployed in a General Motors manufacturing plant back in 1959. The industry has continued to employ robots. Source: Semiconductors, Electronics, and Photonics • In this world of rapidly changing computing and electronics, it is no surprise that the semiconductor and electronics industry is turning to robotics to keep up with demand. Source: Metals • Like many industries, the metals industry has experienced a significant blow due to the impacts of the 2020 global pandemic. • With metal consumption already declining before the Covid-19 virus appeared, companies in the metals industry have had to work hard to find new ways to operate or risk disappearing completely. Source: