Uploaded on Jul 16, 2021
PPT on Health Seeking Behaviour Barriers To Health.
Health Seeking Behaviour Barriers To Health.
HEALTH SEEKING BEHAVIOUR BARRIERS TO HEALTH What is Health seeking behavior? • Health seeking behavior is a term which is used to explain the pattern of health care utilization among any population group and the sequence of remedial actions that individuals take in order to rectify perceived ill health. Source: www.ipinnovative.com Understanding health seeking behavior • Understanding health behavior requires knowledge of the environment context in which the behavior occurs. • Factors like emotional, cognitive, social and environmental may affect the health seeking behavior of an individual. Source: www.ipinnovative.com Importance of Health seeking behavior • This approach is useful for assessing the population needs for health care and in planning and evaluating health programs. • This approach looks at health seeking behavior in a more general way. Source: www.ipinnovative.com FACTORS AFFECTING HEALTH SEEKING BEHAVIOUR Cultural and socio-demographic factors • Cultural beliefs and practices often lead to self-care, home remedies and consultation with traditional healers in rural communities. • Advice of the elder women in the house is also very instrumental and cannot be ignored. Source: watermark.silverchair.com Women’s autonomy • Men play a paramount role in determining the health needs of a woman. Women suffering from an illness report less frequently for health care seeking as compared to men. • The low status of women prevents them from recognizing and voicing their concerns about health needs. Source: watermark.silverchair.com Economic factors • The economic polarization within the society and lack of social security system make the poor more vulnerable in terms of affordability and choice of health provider. Source: watermark.silverchair.com Physical accessibility • Access to a primary health care facility is projected as a basic social right. Dissatisfaction with primary care services leads many people to jump to higher level hospitals for primary care, leading to considerable inefficiency and loss of control over efficacy and quality of services. Source: watermark.silverchair.com Availability, accessibility & acceptability of health system • Availability is one of the major determinants of health seeking behaviour. A person always tries to seek health care from the available sources. Source: watermark.silverchair.com Individual perception • Individual’s perception of illness strongly influences one’s health seeking behaviour. A person should understand how much he will be benefitted if he adapts certain health promoting behaviour or avoids certain harmful habits. Source: watermark.silverchair.com