Human Rights in the Digital Age


Uploaded on Sep 11, 2023

Category Technology

Protecting human rights in the digital age: Navigating the intersection of technology and freedom.

Category Technology



Human Rights in the Digital Age

HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE DIGITAL AGE 2 INTRODUCTION Focusing on human rights in the digital age is key to a better world. On a very large scale data collection has been started. Every organization, states, political parties are keeping a record through data collection. Source: 3 DIGITAL ACCESS As we are moving forward in our daily day to day life our all activities are being record used and misused. Just think that in today's world everyone is having a smartphone and has digital access to everything around the globe. Source: 4 BENEFITS If a person wants to know something in today's time he just has to give a view and type it on and he will get the results of everything what he wants and even more than that. Many benefits have been already provided to us through the digital world. Source: 5 HUMAN RIGHTS AND ITS DEVELOPMENT The digital age has given us enormous value to human rights and its development. As never before we can connect to anyone around the globe. We can investigate, inform and empower. Source: 6 DARK SIDE OF THE DIGITAL WORLD The dark side of the digital world cannot be ignored. The digital revolution is a major risk to the human right issue. As we know that there are a number of benefits of digitalization around us but cannot ignore the risk which it carries. We cannot neglect the cyber world and cyberspace as an ungoverned platform. Source: 7 RISK ASSESSMENT Rights are the same as offline or online. There should not be the feeling of overwhelm due to the pace and large scale development of digital age, but understanding the specific need of the risk that is with the digital age is very much important and one must be very curious about it. Source: 8 ISSUES As in expressing our rights through digital world sometimes it gets far beyond expression. Sometimes these expressions of our rights through the digital world leads to tension between two communities which may be a big issue after all that. Source: 9 ONLINE HARASSMENT The parts of the internet have been and now also been polluted every time every second, through online harassment process campaigns which are been leading in for trolling is on the very pace right now. Source: 10 CYBER-CRIME In today's world, this inappropriate use of cyber-crime is being used vastly against women. Like for example because of the social media incitement a rap up was instigating for mass killings and rapes of women of Rohingya community in Myanmar in the year 2017. Source: 11 HUMAN RIGHTS PERSPECTIVE Every part of the digital revolution shall be reviewed from the human rights perspective. We have to constantly look for and asses' protective gaps. This means not only passing new laws to keep up an eye on digital technologies but also changing the way we use institutions and processes. Source: THANK YOU