Uploaded on Jul 5, 2023
PPT on Human trafficking
Human trafficking across the world
H U M A N T R A F F I C K I N G A C R O SS T H E W O R L D What is human traffi cking? Human t raffi ck ing i s the t rapp ing and explo i tat ion o f a person us ing decept ion , v io lence , o r coerc ion . I t genera l ly takes three main fo rms: fo rced labor (which inc ludes sex t raffi ck ing) , forced marr iage , and fo rced organ remova l . Source: world101.cfr.org/global-era-issues Who are the victims of human traffi cking? Human t raffi cking o f ten beg ins w i th t raffi ckers targe t ing the i r v i c t ims ’ vu lnerab i l i t i es , such as poverty and a des i re fo r bet ter work . Source: world101.cfr.org/global-era-issues Where does human traffi cking take place? Few indust r ies , i f any , are ent i re ly immune f rom human t raffi ck ing , and any ind iv idua l i s l i ke ly on ly a few degrees o f separat i on f rom someone work ing in an exp lo i ta t ive system. Source: world101.cfr.org/global-era-issues Global ramifications of human traffi cking Human t raffi ck ing most immedia te ly aff ec ts 40 .3 mi l l i on people g loba l ly , but i t s consequences are fa r more w idespread. Source: world101.cfr.org/global-era-issues Victims are traffi cked from poor areas to wealthy ones Most t raffi ck ing s t reams lead f rom poor a reas to weal thy ones because the profi ts f rom cr im ina l ac t i v i ty are h igher in the wea l th ie r areas . Source: www.ihmiskauppa.fi Conflicts fuel human traffi cking Confl ic ts have been found to generate a favourab le envi ronment for human t raffi cking , and a c lear connect i on between human t raffi ck ing and re fugee fl ows has been estab l i shed. Source: www.ihmiskauppa.fi Majority of victims are women Accord ing to in ternat i ona l es t imates , sex t raffi cking and labour t raffi cking are by far the most common fo rms o f human t raffi ck ing wor ldw ide . Other forms of human t raffi ck ing inc lude forced marr iages , fo rced c r im ina l ac t i v i ty , fo rced begg ing, and o rgan t raffi ck ing. Source: www.ihmiskauppa.fi Understanding Human Traffi cking “Traffi ck ing in pe rsons ,” “human t raffi ck ing ,” and “modern s lavery” are umbre l la te rms – o ften used in terchangeably – to re fer to a c r ime whereby t raffi ckers exp lo i t and profi t at the expense o f adul t s or ch i ldren by compel l i ng them to per fo rm labor o r engage in commerc ia l sex . Source: www.state.gov THANK YOU