How To Improve Your Gut Health?


Uploaded on Dec 30, 2022

PPT on Gut Health



How To Improve Your Gut Health?

How To Improve Your Gut Health? Eat a diverse range of foods There are hundreds of species of bacteria in your intestines, each of which plays a specific role in health and requires different nutrients for growth. A diet consisting of different food types can lead to a more diverse microbiome 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 2 Eat lots of vegetables, legumes, beans, and fruit Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of nutrients for a healthy microbiome. They are high in fiber, which your body can’t digest. However, certain bacteria in your gut can digest fiber, which stimulates their growth. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 3 Eat fermented foods Fermented foods have undergone fermentation, a process in which the sugars they contain are broken down by yeast or bacteria. Some examples of fermented foods are: Yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, tempeh etc. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 4 Eat prebiotic foods Prebiotics are foods that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. They are mainly fiber or complex carbs that human cells cannot digest. Instead, certain species of bacteria in the gut break them down and use them for fuel. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 5 Eat whole grains Whole grains contain lots of fiber and nondigestible carbs, such as beta-glucan. These carbs are not absorbed in the small intestine and instead make their way to the large intestine to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 6 Eat a plant-based diet Diets containing animal-based foods promote the growth of different types of intestinal bacteria than plant-based diets do. A number of studies have shown that vegetarian diets may benefit the gut microbiome, which may be due to their high fiber content. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 7 Eat foods rich in polyphenols Polyphenols are plant compounds that have many health benefits, including reductions in blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol levels, and oxidative stress. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 8 Increase your intake of probiotics Probiotics are live microorganisms, usually bacteria, that provide a specific health benefit when consumed. Probiotics don’t permanently colonize the intestines in most cases. However, they may benefit your health by changing the overall composition of the microbiome and supporting your metabolism. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 9 Reduce stress In humans, a variety of stressors can negatively affect gut health, including: • psychological stress • environmental stress, such as extreme heat, cold, or noise • sleep deprivation • disruption of the circadian rhythm 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. M E D I C A L N E W S T O D AY. C O M 1 0 The bottom line The best way to maintain a healthy microbiome is to eat a range of fresh, whole foods, mainly from plant sources like fruits, veggies, legumes, beans, and whole grains. 8 / 0 5 / 2 0 XX S O U R C E : W W W. H E A LT H L I N E . C O M 1 1