Industry 5.0: The New Revolution


Uploaded on May 23, 2022

Category Technology

PPT on Industry 5.0.

Category Technology



Industry 5.0: The New Revolution

INDUSTRY 5.0: THE NEW REVOLUTION What Is Industry 5.0? Industry 5.0 is advancing the collaboration between humans and machines as a response to increased customization in products. 2 Source: Internet of Things (IoT) The term Industry 5.0 refers to people working alongside robots and smart machines. It’s about robots helping humans work better and faster by leveraging advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data. It adds a personal human touch to the Industry 4.0 pillars of automation and efficiency. 3 Source: Collaborative operations In manufacturing environments, robots have historically performed dangerous, monotonous or physically demanding work, such as welding and painting in car factories and loading and unloading heavy materials in warehouses. As machines in the workplace get smarter and more connected, Industry 5.0 is aimed at merging those cognitive computing capabilities with human intelligence and resourcefulness in collaborative operations. 4 Source: Integrating human and machine Increased focus on integrating human and machine workers in manufacturing, as well as other industrial environments. 5 Source: Robotic solutions Shifting focus from robots replacing and superseding humans to robotic solutions and smart machines supporting and augmenting human work. 6 Source: Repositioning human workers Repositioning human workers in manufacturing from assembly line processes and other repetitive tasks to more creative jobs that require problem-solving, experience and intuition. 7 Source: Balanced approach Moving towards finding a more balanced approach for optimized robotized manufacturing processes of the future. 8 Source: Potential security risks Addressing the potential security risks and vulnerabilities of modern-day interconnected industrial automation systems. 9 Source: Enabling technologies of Industry 5.0 The technologies playing key roles in the Industry 5.0 paradigm mostly coincide with the core technologies of Industry 4.0 systems. 10 Source: Thank you C O N F E R E N C E P R E S E N T A T I O N 11