Uploaded on Mar 23, 2023
PPT on International Year of Millets
International Year of Millets (IYOM) - 2023
InternatioTnail tYelaer of Millets (IYOMSub)t i-t le2023 Introduction A series of pre-launch events and init iat ives have been organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare as a run-up to the International Year of Mi l lets 2023 to create awareness and a sense of participation in the country around the ancient and forgotten golden grains. Source: www.drishtiias.com Events Launched Many events were launched such as ‘ India's Wealth, Mil lets for Health’ , Mi l let Startup Innovation Chal lenge, Mighty Mi l lets Quiz, Logo and slogan contest etc. Source: www.drishtiias.com India's proposal India's proposal to observe an International Year of Mil lets in 2023 was approved by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in 2018 and the United Nations General Assembly has declared the year 2023 as the International Year of Mi l lets. Source: www.drishtiias.com Adopted by United Nations This was adopted by a United Nations Resolution for which India took the lead and was supported by over 70 nations. Source: www.drishtiias.com Objectives 1. Awareness of the contribution of mi l let to Food Security and nutri t ion. 2. Inspire stakeholders to improve sustainable production and qual ity of mil lets. 3. Focus on enhanced investment in research and development and extension services to achieve the other two aims. Source: www.drishtiias.com What is Millet? Mil let is a col lective term referr ing to a number of smal l-seeded annual grasses that are cult ivated as grain crops, primari ly on marginal lands in dry areas in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. Source: www.drishtiias.com Common millets Some of the common mil lets avai lable in India are Ragi (Finger mi l let), Jowar (Sorghum), Sama (Litt le mi l let) , Bajra (Pearl mil let), and Variga (Proso mil let). Source: www.drishtiias.com Evidence The earl iest evidence for these grains has been found in Indus civi l izat ion and were one of the fi rst plants domesticated for food. Source: www.drishtiias.com Global Distribution India, Nigeria and China are the largest producers of mil lets in the world, accounting for more than 55% of the global production. Source: www.drishtiias.com Initiatives Taken by Government 1. Init iat ive for Nutrit ional Security through Intensive Mil let Promotion ( INSIMP) 2. Increase in Minimum Support Price (MSP): The government has hiked the Minimum Support Price of Mi l lets, which came as a big price incentive for farmers. Source: www.drishtiias.com