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PPT on Introduction to Autonomic Computing.
Introduction to Autonomic Computing
Autonomic Computing Introduction Autonomic Computing is a type of visionary computing that has been started by IBM. This is made to make adaptive decisions that use high- level policies. It has a feature of constant up-gradation using optimization and adaptation. Presentation title 2 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org History It was proposed by Jiming Liu in the year 2001. It uses artificial systems to solve complex problems using imitations like that of humans. On October 15 of the year 2001, IBM Research President, Paul Horn addressed an annual meeting. Presentation title 3 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org History Cont. He presented a solution to growing complexities and mentioned that the answer lied in building computer systems that could regulate themselves in a manner in which our nervous systems regulate and protect our bodies. E.g. Ant-colony optimization Presentation title 4 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Need Of Autonomic Computing With the increase in the demand for computers, computer-related problems are also increasing. They are becoming more and more complex. The complexity has become so much that there is a spike in demand for skilled workers. Presentation title 5 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Areas Of Autonomic Computing • Self-Configuration: The system must be able to configure itself automatically according to the changes in its environment. • Self-Healing: IBM mentions that an autonomic system must have property by which it must be able to repair itself from errors and also route the functions away from trouble whenever they are encountered. Presentation title 6 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Areas Of Autonomic Computing Cont. • Self-Optimization: According to IBM an autonomic system must be able to perform in an optimized manner and ensure that it follows an efficient algorithm for all computing operations. • Self-Protection: the IBM States that an autonomic system must be able to perform detection, identification, and protection from the security and system attacks so that systems’ security and integrity remain intact. Presentation title 7 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Characteristics • The Autonomic system knows itself. This means that it knows its components, specifications capacity, and the real-time status. It also has knowledge about its own, borrowed, and shared resources. • It can configure itself again and again and run its setup automatically as and when required. • It has the capability of optimizing itself by fine-tuning workflows. Presentation title 8 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Characteristics Cont. • It can heal itself. This is a way of mentioning that it can recover from failures. • It can protect itself by detecting and identifying various attacks on it. • It can open itself. This means that it must not be a proprietary solution and must implement open standards. • It can hide. This means that it has the ability to allow resource optimization, by hiding its complexity. Presentation title 9 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Autonomic Computing (AC) Architecture • The autonomic computing is needed so that it overcomes the problem of the increased complexity of the computing systems that acts to prevent further growth of the systems. There are several predictions with suggesting growth of 38% devices per annum with increased complexity. • There is a need for autonomic computing in distributed computing because of the management of the computer networks complexes and a limiting factor in the future development of distributes computing systems. Presentation title 10 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Advantages • It is an open-source. • It is an evolutionary technology that adapts itself to new changes. • It is optimized hence gives better efficiency and performance thereby taking lesser time in execution. • It is very secure and can counter system and security attacks automatically. • It has backup mechanisms that allow recovery from system failures and crashes. Presentation title 11 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Disadvantages • There will always be a possibility of the system crashing or malfunctioning. • This would result in an increase in unemployment due to the lesser needs of people after it is implemented. • The affordability would be an issue because it would be expensive. Presentation title 12 Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org