Who invented email? Shiva Ayyadurai or Ray Tomlinson


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Who invented email? Shiva Ayyadurai or Ray Tomlinson

WHO INVENTED EMAIL? SHIVA AYYADURAI OR RAY TOMLINSON Introduction A widely accepted story of emai l ’s or igins involves a computer engineer named Ray Toml inson who was working on an ear ly vers ion of the internet in 1971. However, th is story is disputed by a man named V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai who says he was the one who invented emai l as a teen tech prodigy in the late 1970s. Source: www.emailonacid.com The ARPANET story ARPANET (or the Advanced Research Pro jects Agency Network) was a U.S. Defense Department program that ’s credi ted with be ing the foundat ion of the modern internet . I t started as a network of connected computers and later expanded, thanks in part to support f rom Vice President Al Gore who promoted legis lat ion that helped fund ARPANET. Source: www.emailonacid.com The ARPANET story cont. In 1971, Ray Toml inson was h ired to he lp develop ARPANET and needed a project to work on. In a 2012 interv iew with Verge, he said, “ARPANET was very young and look ing for problems i t could so lve .” So, Toml inson set out to solve problems regarding how people were us ing computers to communicate. Source: www.emailonacid.com The Ayyadurai story V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai has led an interest ing l i fe . He holds four degrees f rom MIT, founded the technology company Mi l lennium Cybernet ics in the 1990s, authored books on the emai l industry, twice ran for U.S. Senate, and was once romant ical ly l inked to actress Fran Drescher. In recent years , he’s s tudied and wr i t ten about a l ternat ive medic ine and developed a reputat ion for promot ing conspi racy theor ies. Source: www.emailonacid.com The Ayyadurai story cont. Ayyadurai ’s story stems from a summer program through NYU where he was studying computer programming in 1978. That same year, he volunteered at a dental school in New Jersey where h is mother worked. At just 14 years o ld, Ayyadurai developed a computer ized interoffi ce mai l system for the school , which he ca l led “EMAIL.” Source: www.emailonacid.com Clashes Clashes over the Toml inson and Ayyadurai stor ies d idn’t erupt unt i l 30 years later when major publ icat ions started re leasing ar t ic les that gave Ayyadura i the credit for invent ing emai l . Time magazine publ ished a Techland interv iew in 2011, which was fo l lowed by a 2012 art ic le in the Washington Post . Source: www.emailonacid.com Corrections and clarifications After gett ing coverage in Time and The Washington Post, people f rom the tech industry, inc luding many connected to ARPANET, d isputed the idea that the EMAIL program was real ly the beginning of emai l as we know i t . This led to correct ions and c lar ifi cat ions f rom both The Post and the Smithsonian. Source: www.emailonacid.com Evolution of Email from file transfer system Ray Toml inson fi rst deve loped the TENEX operat ing system which inc luded ARPANET network control program and te lnet implementat ions. Before the implementat ion of the emai l system, Ray wrote a fi le t ransfer program ca l led CPYNET to t ransfer fi les through the ARPANET network. Later he modifi ed the same program to add users on the same computers which defi ned the fi rst emai l system. Source: fossbytes.com Ray Tomlinson, Email and the truth Ray Toml inson modifi ed an ear ly e lectronic mai l program cal led SNDMSG and used that program to send messages across the computer connected v ia ARPANET. Source: fossbytes.com Who Invented email? Shiva cal l s this controversy a product o f rac ism. He says, “ I f an Indian does great software coding, Outsourc ing or i s the chairman of Microsoft , then that’s cool . But an Indian cannot be an innovator. I am labeled a f raud.” However, he forgets that Toml inson was act ive ly involved in sett ing the ear l ier s tandards for emai l in 1973, fi ve years before Ayyadurai . Here ’s the re ference RFC 561, in which he and others a l ready defi ned standards for emai l headers . Source: fossbytes.com