Why should you learn a new language?


Uploaded on May 16, 2023

Category Education

PPT on learning a new language

Category Education



Why should you learn a new language?

WHY SHOULD YOU LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE? Open Up a World of Job Opportunities Learning a second language opens up a ton of career opportunities. There are lots of other ways that speaking two or more languages can improve your employment prospects. Source: www.fluentin3months.com Give Your Brain a Boost Memory improvement, longer attention span, and a reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline, are just a few of the known positive effects of speaking two or more languages. Source: www.fluentin3months.com Cross- Cultural Friendships If there’s even one culture that you’d like to understand better, or even one person in your life you’d like to know better, then one of the best ways you can start is by learning to speak their language. Source: www.fluentin3months.com Get an Outsider’s Perspective Too many people go their entire lives never questioning the universal “truths” they take for granted in their own culture. But step outside this narrow scope, and it’s like stepping out of the Matrix; once your eyes are truly opened to that new perspective, you can never go back. Source: www.fluentin3months.com Stay Smart in Tourist Areas There’s always a danger of obvious tourists being targets, or getting hassled by touts, which can ruin your experience of a place where people are actually warm and genuine. The “obvious tourist” tends to be whoever is speaking English, or some other distant tongue. Source: www.fluentin3months.com Become a Better Learner As you spend time learning your first foreign language, you’ll identify your own inefficiencies and eliminate them. You’ll start gaining momentum in your chosen language and learn more and more quickly. Source: www.fluentin3months.com It improves your memory The more you use your brain to learn new skills, the more your brain’s functions work. Learning a new language pushes your brain to get familiar with new grammar and vocabulary rules. Source: www.middlebury.edu Enhances your ability to multitask Time management and multitasking are two skills that will always help you. Multilingual people have the ability to switch between languages. Their ability to think in different languages and be able to communicate in more than one language helps with multitasking. Source: www.middlebury.edu Improves your performance in other academic Fully immersing yourself in a language learning enavirornmeenat msea ns not only learning the basics of that language. It means learning how to communicate in another language with your peers or participating in extracurricular activities in that specific language. Source: www.middlebury.edu THANK YOU