Left Brain vs. Right Brain: What's the Difference?


Uploaded on Jan 23, 2023

PPT on Left Brain vs Right Brain



Left Brain vs. Right Brain: What's the Difference?

LEFT BRAIN VS. RIGHT BRAIN: WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? INTRODUCTION  The brain is a h ighly complex organ that p lays an essent ia l ro le not just in th ink ing but in a l l body funct ions. I t ’s d iv ided into two halves, the r ight and left brain. Source: www.healthline.com How the human brain works? The human brain is an intr icate organ. At approximately 3 pounds, i t contains about 100 bi l l ion neurons and 100 tr i l l ion connect ions . Your brain is the command center for a l l that you th ink, fee l , and do. Source: www.healthline.com Two sides of your brain The two s ides of your brain look very much al ike, but there’s a huge diff erence in how they process informat ion. Despite thei r contrast ing sty les, the two halves of your brain don’ t work independently of each other. Source: www.healthline.com Right Brain Traits According to the le ft -brain, r ight-brain dominance theory, the r ight s ide of the brain is best at express ive and creat ive tasks . Source: www.verywellmind.com Right Brain Traits Cont. Some of the abi l i t ies popular ly associated with the r ight s ide of the bra in inc lude:  Recogniz ing faces  Expressing emot ions  Creat ing music  Reading emot ions  Appreciat ing color  Using imaginat ion Source: www.verywellmind.com Left Brain Traits The left s ide of the bra in is adept at tasks involv ing logic , language, and analyt ica l th ink ing. Source: www.verywellmind.com Left Brain Traits Cont. The le ft bra in is descr ibed as being better at:  Language  Logic  Cri t ical th ink ing  Numbers  Reasoning Source: www.verywellmind.com Not Very Different Whi le the two hemispheres have the ir own domains , they don’t have as much infl uence on personal i t ies as in i t ia l ly thought . You might not be able to re fer to yourse l f as le ft or r ight-brained anymore, but the personal i ty t ra i ts are st i l l uniquely part o f your brain. Source: www.verywellmind.com Lateralization of Brain Function The human brain is spl i t into two dist inct cerebral hemispheres connected by the corpus cal losum. The hemispheres exhibi t s trong bi lateral symmetry regarding structure as wel l as funct ion. Source: www.verywellmind.com Brain Process and Functions The le ft hemisphere of the brain processes informat ion analyt ical ly and sequent ia l ly. I t focuses on the verbal and is responsible for language. I t processes f rom deta i l s into a whole picture . Source: www.verywellmind.com