How long is the Pfizer COVID vaccine effective.


Uploaded on Dec 31, 2020

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How long is the Pfizer COVID vaccine effective.

H O W L O N G I S T H E P F I Z E R C O V I D V A C C I N E E F F E C T I V E ? INTRODUCTION • The COVID-19 vaccine for Pfizer/BioNTech is currently ongoing in many countries and has come to an end in clinical research. • In the UK, Canada and the United States, Regulatory Authorities issued approval for immediate or emergency use of the vaccine to the public. Source: EFFICIENCY OF THE VACCINE • It is now possible to create a biological barrier to the virus. An extremely efficient vaccination combined with existing physical hurdles increases the expectation that the pandemic will be prevented. Source: SAFETY • The safety review involved nearly 37,000 individuals. Half got a vaccine in two doses, and half a placebo injection in the other half. • Especially in people at greater risk of COVID-19 the vaccine has been tested. About 40% of participants over 55 years old were overweight, around a third overweight and about third obese. Source: PARTICIPANTS • The vaccine was nevertheless tested more than others in some classes. The majority of participants (83 per cent) were white and most (77 per cent) were conducted in the United States (with additional participants in Argentina, Brazil and South Africa). Source: EFFECTIVENESS OF THE VACCINE • More than 36,000 individuals were analysed to assess the potency of the vaccine (the percentage of people it protected from the disease under controlled conditions). • In contrast with 169 people injected with placebo, nine vaccine participants were infected with the virus. This leads to an effectiveness of 95 percent. Above all, the wellbeing of persons was high, regardless of age, race or underlying conditions of health. Source: DOSES • Between the first and second doses, some participants were infected to stress that second dose was appropriate (efficacy after just the first dose was only 52 percent ). If you take all doses, at least in the short term, you are more likely to be safe against COVID-19. Source: SIDE EFFECTS • After immunisation, some participants reported side effects such as headache, exhaustion or discomfort at the injection site. • Most of these reactions were mild to severe, and within three days they resolved. After at least two months after the second immunisation, no more reactions were reported. Source: ALLERGIC REACTIONS • No less typical side-effects can be observed, for instance. This is why the vaccine needs now to be controlled so carefully, and the authorities need to intervene quickly if people react to it suddenly. • In the UK definitive intervention in the case of previously unseen side effects of someone with a long history of allergic reactions has also been seen. Source: STILL A LOT FIND OUT! • Overall, this trial provided confidence in the vaccine’s efficacy and robustly documented its safety. However, this doesn’t mean the study shows what will happen in the real world. We cannot presume that the experiences of 19,000 vaccinated individuals will extrapolate to millions of people. Source: INTERVENTION • Similarly, the effectiveness of the vaccine in the real world – so called its efficacy – can often be diminished when it is used in a larger range of individuals and for prolonged periods of time. • And important questions still need to be addressed, particularly about the duration of the vaccine's safety. It is virtually inevitable that the initially generated immune response will decline over time. Source: