Uploaded on Mar 20, 2023
PPT on Macrolide Antibiotics
Macrolide Antibiotics
Macrolide Antibiotics INTRODUCTION Macro l ides are ant ib iot ics that are pr imar i ly bacter iostat ic ; by b inding to the 50S subuni t of the r ibosome, they inhibi t bacter ia l prote in synthesis . Source: www.msdmanuals.com What are Macrolides? Macro l ides are a c lass of ant ibiot ics der ived from Saccharopolyspora erythraea (or iginal ly cal led Streptomyces erythreus) , a type of soi l -borne bacter ia . Source: www.drugs.com How it affects? Macro l ides inhib i t prote in synthesis in bacter ia by revers ib ly binding to the P s i te of the 50S uni t o f the r ibosome. Macro l ides mainly aff ect gram-posi t ive cocc i and intracel lu lar pathogens such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, and legione l la. Source: www.drugs.com Indications for Macrolides 1. Aerobic and anaerobic gram-posi t ive cocc i , except for most enterococci , many Staphylococcus aureus stra ins (especia l ly methic i l l in- res istant stra ins) , and some Streptococcus pneumoniae and S. pyogenes stra ins 2. Mycoplasma pneumoniae 3. Chlamydia t rachomat is 4. Chlamydophi la pneumoniae Source: www.msdmanuals.com Choice for group A 1. Macro l ides have been considered the drug of choice for group A streptococcal and pneumococcal infect ions when penic i l l in cannot be used. 2. However, pneumococci wi th reduced penic i l l in sensi t iv i ty are often res is tant to macrol ides, and macrol ide res is tance among S. pyogenes var ies g lobal ly. Source: www.msdmanuals.com Contraindications to Macrolides 1. Macro l ides are contraindicated in pat ients who have had an al le rgic react ion to them. Source: www.msdmanuals.com Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding 1. Erythromycin is considered compatib le with breast feeding. Safety of other macrol ides dur ing breastfeeding is unknown. Source: www.msdmanuals.com Adverse Effects of Macrolides 1. Gastro intest inal (GI) d is turbances (main ly with erythromycin) 2. QT- interval prolongation 3. Inhibi t ion of hepat ic metabol ism, leading to numerous drug interact ions Source: www.msdmanuals.com Dosing Considerations for Macrolides 1. For az i thromycin, no dosage adjustment is requi red for renal insuffi ciency. 2. Erythromycin and, to some extent , c lar i thromycin interact with numerous drugs because they inhibi t hepat ic metabol ism v ia the cytochrome P-450 (CYP450) system. Azi thromycin is the least l ike ly to interact wi th other drugs. Source: www.msdmanuals.com THANK YOU