Misleading Advertisement And Their Impact On Consumer Trust


Uploaded on Apr 18, 2023

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PPT on Misleading Advertisement And Their Impact On Consumer Trust

Category Education



Misleading Advertisement And Their Impact On Consumer Trust

M I S L E A D I N G A D V E R T I S E M E N T A N D T H E I R I M P A C T O N C O N S U M E R T R U S T INTRODUCTION  The infl uence of advert isements on consumer choice is undeniable . Mis leading and fa lse advert isements are not just unethical ; they d istort competi t ion and of course, consumer choice. Source: consumeraffairs.nic.in When does an Advertisement become “Misleading”?  When an edible o i l advert isement g ives you the impression that you are f ree of heart problems so long as you are us ing that part icular o i l , then i t i s misrepresent ing facts. Source: consumeraffairs.nic.in Unethical Advertisement  The eff ects of unethical advert is ing on consumers is perhaps the worst aspect about this k ind of advert is ing. The consumer ends up making uninformed decis ions. Source: smallbusiness.chron.com Truth about the product  I f you don’t te l l your customers the truth or paint a picture for them with your ad that overshadows or contradicts the truth about your product or service , then they wi l l make poor decis ions concerning those products and services . Source: smallbusiness.chron.com Effect on Business  Another eff ect of mis leading advert isements is that of the eff ects on the bus iness i tse l f. When a bus iness creates a fa lse statement, then usual ly , that business doesn’t see that the advert is ing wi l l end up as a harm. Source: smallbusiness.chron.com You Could Be Investigated  I f your advert is ing campaign is suspected of be ing mis leading, the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC, could invest igate your ad to see i f i t is in v io lat ion of any laws. Source: smallbusiness.chron.com You Could Incur Financial Loss  I f your company is caught advert is ing fa lse ly , you could end up los ing a lot of money. I f you are forced to pul l your ad, you wi l l lose al l o f the money that you spent developing that ad. Source: smallbusiness.chron.com You Could Lose the Trust of Your Customers  When you engage in fa lse advert is ing, your consumers wi l l perceive you as untrustworthy. Both the customers you already have and any potentia l new customers wi l l tend to fee l l ike you betrayed them and take their business e lsewhere. Source: smallbusiness.chron.com Effect on Employees  Your employees are on the f ront l ine, and usual ly they wi l l bear the brunt of the consequences that come with fa lse advert is ing.  In such cases, they usual ly fi nd themselves between a rock and a hard p lace - the rock being the consumer - and the hard place, the decept ive advert isement. Source: smallbusiness.chron.com THANK YOU