Modern Medicine vs. Traditional Medicine


Uploaded on Jun 6, 2022

PPT on Modern Medicine vs. Traditional Medicine.



Modern Medicine vs. Traditional Medicine

MODERN MEDICINE VS. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Introduction Traditional medicine vs modern medicine has been a continuous debate for many decades. Since the invention of modern medicine, many people have not been ready to admit it as they have been listening and preaching the traditional medicine and its holistic methods using natural herbs and religious beliefs and all that. Source: WHAT IS TRADITIONAL MEDICINE? Traditional medicine is a medicine that has been used for the treatment for decades using specific theories, beliefs, knowledge, skill, and cultural traditions. Source: EXAMPLE OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE? The examples of traditional medicines are Ayurvedic treatment by Asians, Homeopathy by Germans, Kampo medicine from Japanese and Naturopathy from Europeans. There are some rare traditional pharmacies nowadays as compared to the modern ones. Source: WHAT IS MODERN MEDICINE? Modern medicine is also called the alternative medicine because it was established as an alternative to the traditional medicine ways and beliefs. Modern medicine was invented to have standardized medicines after testing some specific medicines for some specific patients having some specific symptoms. Source: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRADITIONAL AND MODERN MEDICINE The major difference between a modern medicine vs alternative medicine is their specifications and the pre sets of dosage for some standard symptoms. Source: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRADITIONAL AND MODERN MEDICINE CONT. Alternative medicine provides us our desired medications in our required dose instantly while traditional medicine requires hit and trial plus it is a passive treatment with no assurance of the effectiveness. Source: ADVANTAGES OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINES Traditional medicines have almost no side effects and they are proven enough because they have been advised from many generations and they have been quite efficient. Furthermore, traditional medicines are made from herbs and natural practices that won’t just cure the specific symptom but they make a whole body in its healthy condition. Source: ADVANTAGES OF MODERN MEDICINES Modern medicine has been scientifically proven along with the results of real tests, hypotheses and not just from the theories. alternative medicine provides quick relief from the specific symptoms because they only target that area with the proven chemical formulas. Source: IS TRADITIONAL MEDICINE MORE EFFECTIVE THAN MODERN ONES? Traditional medicine is just preferred by someone having strong religious or cultural beliefs on some traditions of their ancestors but in reality, alternative medicine is surely more effective than traditional one because it has been developed after practicing on real patients with specific symptoms and there were studies where several patients were monitored against a similar medicine. Source: Thank you