Uploaded on Dec 8, 2020
MYSTERIOUS FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS AN OCTOPUS HAS THREE HEARTS, NINE BRAINS, AND BLUE BLOOD The octopus is nothing short of incredible, with three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood. With eight smaller brains regulating one of their eight arms, one main brain manages their nervous system. For one bigger heart that circulates blood to the rest of the body, two lungs pump blood to their gills. Source: www.goodnet.org SQUIRRELS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANTING THOUSANDS OF TREES WORLDWIDE They may be small, but in ways that you can not expect, they play a key role in our climate. Every year, these little furry friends plant thousands of trees worldwide, simply because they forget where their acorns are hidden. How adorable! Source: www.goodnet.org DRAGONFLIES CREATE A HEART WITH THEIR TAILS WHILE MATING Dragonflies symbolise transition, transformation, adaptability, mark a sign of spiritual progress, and emotional maturity, so it has a special significance to see one of these fluttering. Not just that, but in many respects, they represent passion. When mating, they also build a merged heart-shape with their paws. That's real love now. Source: www.goodnet.org RATS LAUGH WHEN TICKLED National Geographic wrote that rat research revealed that in fact, they love to be tickled, especially on their backs. Rats let out an incredibly high-pitched sound, synonymous with laughter, while tickled. When they stop to inquire for more, they also look for the experimenter's side. Source: Shutterstock.com DUCKS LOVE TO SURF Ducks enjoy going to our deep-blue sea to catch a wave or two. They were seen surfing the ocean waves to shore and swimming back out to do it all over again. This might be a favourite sport for them. Source: www.allaboutbirds.org WILD CHIMPANZEES ENJOY GETTING TIPSY Chimpanzees like alcohol to get tipsy. Researchers have found an evolutionary correlation over the years between people who drink alcohol and chimpanzees who hunt for naturally fermented alcohol. The intelligent wild chimpanzees have ascended the raffia palm trees in the Guinea jungle to steal the alcoholic sap that humans have stored in barrels. Source: www.goodnet.org A CAT'S MEOW IS A FORM OF COMMUNICATION WITH HUMANS ONLY, NOT OTHER CATS Cats, who love to lounge beside us or on top of us for their period, but have you mentioned that they still meow around us? Well this is a way of contact between cats and humans, but only between them. You're not going to see them using the same type of interaction with another pet, except for their mother's kittens. Cats often link their heads to humans in order to let them know that they feel protected. Source: www.medium.com BABY ELEPHANTS SELF-SOOTHE BY SUCKING THEIR TRUNK Young elephants often self-soothe, much like human infants. Babies use the thumb-sucking or pacifier type, while baby elephants suck relief from their own trunks. You would accept that it is the sweetest sight if you ever get a chance to witness it. Source: www.medium.com MALE SEAHORSES GIVE BIRTH TO THEIR YOUNG Male horses are the only animal where the male encounters conception and gives birth to their offspring, unlike any other living thing on our planet. Male seahorses have stomach pouches that hold up to 2,000 babies at a time. Source: www.businessinsider.com PENGUINS PROPOSE TO EACH OTHER WITH PEBBLES Much as people suggest to each other by passing a ring, penguins use the same tactic but with a pebble. They carry a small stone over to them when they see another penguin that they want to reflect their lifetime loyalty to each other. Source: Twitter