Oil Energy: Pros and Cons


Uploaded on Mar 25, 2022

Category Education

PPT on Oil Energy.

Category Education



Oil Energy: Pros and Cons

OIL ENERGY: PROS AND CONS PROS OF OIL ENERGY Oil energy is the foundation of renewable energy Solar and wind products are created because of oil energy technologies. Although there is a fossil fuel investment into these energy resources, solar and wind reduce the overall consumption effect on emissions because the fuel isn’t being constantly burned to produce energy. Source: vittana.org Oil energy is cheap Because there is more than a century of innovation behind this technology, we can produce cheap energy through the consumption of oil. Our infrastructures are based on this technology as well, which means we can transport oil over long distances to provide modern energy needs to extremely rural and isolated areas. Source: vittana.org It offers a high-density energy Although we consume millions of barrels of oil daily, it is a remarkably high-density energy product. That means a small amount of oil can product a large amount of energy. Source: vittana.org It is reliable Reliability for oil energy comes through availability and consumption. When oil is processed, refined, or used, there is a predictable outcome that occurs. We know what oil can do and it provides that result consistently. Source: vittana.org It encourages economies to continue growing The oil energy helps to create plastics. It helps farmers run their equipment to plant and harvest crops. Source: vittana.org CONS OF OIL ENERGY Oil energy is a finite resource There are vast fields of oil to harvest. Tar sands and shale can provide oil as well. Because it is a fossil fuel, however, oil is a finite resource. There is the possibility that we may run out of it one day or be forced to ration how we use it. Source: vittana.org Oil energy is a vast pollution resource Incidents of oil pollution are numerous. When oil hits the environment, it can pollute water resources, crop lands, and the environment in other ways. That is in addition to the emissions that oil energy creates when it is consumed. Source: vittana.org It can cause health hazards Combustion is the most common form of consumption for oil energy. To create that combustion, we use plants, engines, and other technologies that will ignite the oil or refined oil product so that we can obtain the energy we need. Source: vittana.org