Online Food Delivery Platforms and their Impacts on Sustainability


Uploaded on Aug 8, 2022

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PPT on Online Food Delivery Platforms and their Impacts on Sustainability.

Category Education



Online Food Delivery Platforms and their Impacts on Sustainability

Online Food Delivery Platforms and their Impacts on Sustainability INTRODUCTION Food is an essential part of life, providing us with the nutrition we need for survival; but the pandemic has plunged the entire food system into eccentric circumstances. Source: Worldwide Some effects on food access are reported due to the closure of food shops, transport limitations, or lost wages. Some food price increases are reported, though in some cases these vary across urban and rural areas or by types of food. Limited availability of certain foods was also widely reported. Source: The Impacts on Sustainability The food delivery industry is evolving: especially now, when we have to stay at home and practice social distancing. However, while helping your favorite local restaurants and ordering organic food delivery or a take-out, you may experience guilt about the amount of waste you make. Source: Economic Impact The Food Delivery online industry's rise has brought employment opportunities to many people across various jobs, including chefs and restaurant administrators, delivery staff, or the programmers behind the Application / online platform. Source: Economic Impact Cont. Besides, the online Food industry has become a trend for supporting industries, including companies that manufacture, sell, or service electric bicycles and companies involved in the manufacture and distribution of bags—food packaging. Source: Social impact Online Food Delivery influences the relationship between consumers and their food by changing how consumers obtain, process, and consume food. In turn, these changes impact human-to-human relationships, leading to a significant debate about whether online Food Delivery enhances or reduces the quality of time spent with family and community interaction. Source: Social impact Cont. People tend to only share food with close family members, such as young couples living together, colleagues working together, or students living together in the dormitory. Thus, Online Food Delivery offers those wishing to eat alone the opportunity to do this without compromising on taste, quality, or value, while also offering groups that want to eat together to share food and delivery. Source: Home processed food online Contactless lockers have also been installed in hospitals so food deliverers can stay safe and medical staff unlock them with QR codes. Furthermore, given the no-go conditions that have been imposed in some countries due to the pandemic, many of the people's meal options have shifted from eating out or venturing out to grocery shopping and cooking at home processed food online. Source: Environmental Impact One of the most pressing environmental concerns that can be seen from the dramatic rise of online Food Delivery is the sheer volume of plastic waste generated and how to deal with it. The efficiency that different countries handle the plastic waste generated by their online Food Delivery depends on their recycling infrastructure and their online Food Delivery growth. Source: Future views The online food delivery business is a big opportunity in the country and will continue to be one. According to experts, the year 2020 may have pushed the businesses to an all-time low. However, it’s not a lost opportunity. Source: