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PPT on the origin of Halloween
What is the origin of Halloween?
What is the origin of Halloween? Introduction The word "Hal loween" comes from Al l Hal lows ' Eve and means "hal lowed evening." The his tory of Hal loween dates back to a pagan fest ival cal led Samhain. Source: www.countryliving.com What Does Halloween Mean? The current Engl ish name Hal loween traces back to medieval Chr ist iani ty. The word ha l low is der ived from the Middle and Old Engl ish words for holy. Source: www.countryliving.com Why Do We Celebrate Halloween on October 31? The ancient Gae l ic fest ival o f Samhain, which occurred on November 1 but k icked off the evening before, i s cons idered the ear l iest known root of some of our secular Hal loween tradit ions. Source: www.countryliving.com Carving Jack-o’-Lanterns The tradi t ion of carv ing Jack-o’ -Lanterns or iginated in I re land us ing turnips instead of pumpkins. I t is a l legedly based on a legend about a man named St ingy Jack who repeatedly trapped the Devi l and only let h im go on the condi t ion that Jack would never go to Hel l . Source: blogs.loc.gov Seeing Ghosts The fest ival o f Samhain marked the transi t ion to the new year at the end of the harvest and beginning of the winter. Cel t ic people bel ieved that dur ing the fest ival , sp ir i ts walked the Earth. Later on, Chr is t ian miss ionar ies introduced Al l Souls ’ Day on November 2 , which perpetuated the idea of the l iv ing coming into contact wi th the dead around the same t ime of year. Source: blogs.loc.gov Wearing Scary Costumes In order to avoid being terror ized by al l the evi l sp ir i ts walk ing the Earth dur ing Samhain, the Ce lts donned disguises so that they would not be mistaken for spir i ts themselves and be left a lone. Source: blogs.loc.gov Trick-or-Treating There is much debate around the or igins of t r ick- or- t reat ing, but general ly there are three theor ies. The fi rst theory suggests that dur ing Samhain, Cel t ic people would leave food out to appease the spir i ts t ravel ing the Earth at n ight. Over t ime, people began to dress as these unearthly beings in exchange for s imi lar off er ings of food and dr ink. Source: blogs.loc.gov Black Cats The idea of be ing spooked by black cats dates back to the Middle Ages, when these dark fe l ines were considered a symbol o f the Devi l . I t d idn’t he lp that centur ies later , accused witches were often found to have cats , part icu lar ly b lack ones. Source: blogs.loc.gov Black and Orange The tradit ional Hal loween colors of b lack and orange a lso t races back to the Cel t ic fest ival of Samhain. For the Ce lts , black represented the “death” of summer whi le the orange symbol ized the autumn harvest season. Source: blogs.loc.gov Lighting Candles and Bonfires For much of the ear ly h is tory of Hal loween, tower ing bonfi res were used to l ight the way for souls seeking the after l i fe . These days, l ight ing candles have general ly replaced the large tradit ional b lazes . Source: blogs.loc.gov