Overview of Web 3.0


Uploaded on May 24, 2022

Category Technology

PPT on Web 3.0.

Category Technology



Overview of Web 3.0

Overview of Web 3.0 Introduction In the modern retelling of Web history, the world has now fully entered the third generation of the internet. We have moved from decentralized protocols (Web 1.0) to centralized, monopolistic platforms (Web 2.0) and are now poised to move towards an era of decentralized blockchain-based architectures - Web 3.0. 2 Source: www.drishtiias.com opportunities Web 3.0 offers a myriad of opportunities for India and its software developers but there also exist certain obstacles in terms of blockchain regulatory measures, taxation and decentralization. 3 Source: www.drishtiias.com Significance of Web 3.0 ECONOMICAL IMPACT The large mass of creators and builders will leverage next-generation tools, co-opt themselves into self- governing organizations and participate in this new economy. 5 Source: www.drishtiias.com Decentralized Autonomous Organization The spirit of Web3 is Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Web3 will deliver a decentralized and fair internet where users control their own data. 6 Source: www.drishtiias.com eliminate excessive rents This will eliminate excessive rents levied by the large platforms and move the masses away from an obviously flawed business model of ad-based monetization of user- generated data that has become the hallmark of the modern digital economy. 7 Source: www.drishtiias.com Web 2.0 In Web 2.0, most of the data in the internet and the internet traffic are owned or handled by very few behemoth companies which created issues related to data privacy, data security and abuse of such data. 8 Source: www.drishtiias.com Associated Issues Web3 is in its very initial days and there is no consensus if it will take off like Web 1.0 or Web 2.0 did. There is much skepticism from top tech brains in the industry and the academic community that Web3 does not solve the problems it purports to solve. 9 Source: www.drishtiias.com Click icon to add picture Associated Issues CONT. Also, there is considerable regulatory uncertainty. In India, the budget imposed a 30% tax on income from virtual assets. There are plans to launch a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and a comprehensive legislation that establishes India’s posture on cryptocurrency is still awaited. 10 Source: www.drishtiias.com Way Forward Proactive Approach to Web 3.0: It would be unwise to underestimate the generational energy, developer focus and Venture Capital (VC) funding going into Web3. This momentum will fuel the Web away from its current avatar into a new paradigm. 11 Source: www.drishtiias.com Opportunity for India Web3 implies a radical overhaul of legacy digital architecture. New business models will evolve over the next few years, along with a universe of decentralized apps to meet consumer needs. In addition, a massive amount of effort will be needed to resolve the scalability issue. 12 Source: www.drishtiias.com