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PPT on Print Media vs Digital Media.
Print Media vs Digital Media
PRINT MEDIA VS DIGITAL MEDIA Print Media Print media is form of mass media as the name suggests the news or information is shared through printed publications. Printed media is the oldest means of sharing information/news. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Digital Media Digital media is form of mass media as the name suggests the news or information is shared through electronic medium. Electronic media is the advanced means of sharing information/news. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Credibility In this area, Print Media is many steps ahead of Digital or Electronic Media. Whatever information is printed goes through a tight process of reevaluation and source check cause once it is printed it can’t be undone whereas Digital or Electronic Media is home to fake news cause it's hard to find the source of the news. Source: www.techniajz.com Reading or Viewing EPrintx Mepdia eis ar kiinde of ndistcracteion-free cause when readers read any form of Print Media, they just read it they don’t do anything else. But when a reader or viewer uses Digital or Electronic Media using their Smartphones or TV, then there are so many distractions comes along like advertisement, notification of mail, chat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. Source: www.techniajz.com Updating the Information There is no option of updating the information in Print Media cause once any news or information collected and printed then afterwards it is not possible to updated that information but in Digital or Electronic Media information or news can be updated any time. Source: www.techniajz.com Availability Printed Media has a limitation it can’t be available 24x7. The availability is different for every form of printed media such as Newspapers can be available daily whether it's the evening or morning, Magazines are available weekly or monthly. Whereas Digital or Electronic Media available 24x7 for example various news channels and their websites. Source: www.techniajz.com Deadline Print Media works on a deadline or time limit for the collection of news or information because it has scheduled time for printing. But Digital or Electronic Media doesn’t have this kind of limitation of time cause news or information can be published or updated at any time. Source: www.techniajz.com Literacy To go through print media one should be literate as it needs to read the information. To go through electronic media, literacy is not primary requirement as because one can watch or listen the information. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org Quick Editable Print media needs more time to edit and update as new printed materials needs to be released. Electronic media can be quickly edited and updated. Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org THANK YOU