Reading Theories


Uploaded on Sep 20, 2022

Category Education

PPT on reading theories

Category Education



Reading Theories

READING THEORIES INTRODUCTION Learning how to read is a vital skill that students learn in their early childhood education. This skill sets the foundation for academic success. There are many ways to approach the reading process, and teachers rely on numerous reading theories. Source: READING FOUNDATION Children in kindergarten to third grade are in the learning to read phase. From the fourth grade onwards, children are reading to learn. For students to successfully move through middle and high school, they must have a solid reading foundation. Source: BOTTOM-UP THEORY This theory involves a step-by-step method of teaching proficiency of reading components that allow the student to become literate. This theory involves explicit and direct instruction in a building-block approach using the 5 components of reading during early childhood education. Source: READING COMPONENTS PHONICS Understanding the sounds that correspond with the letters of the alphabet, including short and long vowels. It also involves connecting the idea that letters correspond with sounds and those sounds make words. Source: PHONEMIC AWARENESS Understanding the sounds that letter combinations have, including syllables, complete words, and consonant blends. Source: VOCABULARY The understanding of the meaning of words and how to use them appropriately and adequately in sentences. Source: FLUENCY The capacity to read with the proper expression and speed, without errors. A fluent reader can read in the same manner as they speak. Source: COMPREHENSION The capacity to recall characters, events, and the main concept of the passage or story once read, understanding what has been read correctly. Source: CONCLUSION The bottom-up theory is used widely worldwide due to the sequential approach it has. It recognizes that reading is a developmental process best learned from the bottom foundation up, growing in complexity as a student’s reading and understanding proficiency is developed. Source: