How to get rid of old habits?


Uploaded on Jul 5, 2023

Category Education

PPT on old habits

Category Education



How to get rid of old habits?

HOW TO GET RID OF OLD HABITS? INTRODUCTION Breaking unwanted habits can be difficult, especially if you’ve been engaging in them for a long time. But understanding how habits form in the first place can ease the process. Source: IDENTIFY YOUR TRIGGERS Remember, triggers are the first step in developing a habit. Identifying the triggers behind your habitual behaviors is the first step in moving past them. Source: FOCUS ON WHY YOU WANT TO CHANGE Why do you want to break or change a certain habit? Research suggests it may be easier to change your behavior when the change you want to make is valuable or beneficial to you. Source: ENLIST A FRIEND’S SUPPORT If you and a friend or partner both want to break an unwanted habit, try to do it together. Say you both want to stop smoking. Source: PRACTICE MINDFULNESS Mindfulness can help you develop awareness around your thoughts, feelings, and actions. This practice involves simply observing impulses that relate to your habit without judging them or reacting to them. Source: REPLACE THE HABIT WITH A DIFFERENT ONE You might have an easier time breaking a habit if you replace the unwanted behavior with a new behavior, instead of simply trying to stop the unwanted behavior. Source: LEAVE YOURSELF REMINDERS Using stickers, sticky notes, or other visual reminders wherever the habit behavior happens can help you rethink the action when something triggers you. Source: PREPARE FOR SLIPUPS Try to mentally prepare for slipups so you won’t feel guilty or discouraged if you do. Maybe you commit to jotting down three bullet points about how you felt as you were doing the habit, or do a quick breathing exercise. Source: START SMALL Trying to kick multiple habits in the same go? The image of a new, improved self can be a powerful motivator, especially when you first decide to change unwanted habits. Source: THANK YOU