Uploaded on Feb 28, 2022
PPT on Rise Of Robots and AI
Rise Of Robots and AI
RISE OF ROBOTS AND AI Introduction The robotics revolut ion is rapidly accelerat ing, as fast-paced technological advances in automat ion, engineer ing, energy storage, art ifi c ia l inte l l igence and machine learning converge. The far- reaching resul ts wi l l t ransform the capabi l i t ies of robots and thei r abi l i ty to take over tasks once carr ied out by humans. Source: www.oxfordeconomics.com ROBOTS GETTING IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE Robotic Pharmacy From prescr ipt ion to tender ing the medic ine, robotic pharmacy is fu l ly se l f-serve. With dig i t i zat ion of the medical system, th is explodes the poss ib i l i ty o f us ing data to improve both the doctor ’s diagnosis and future prescr ipt ions. Source: analyticsindiamag.com Healthcare Robots are act ing as an interface between a doctor and a pat ient wherein they can carry out d iagnost ic and treatment processes, reducing the human contact and r isk of t ransmiss ion of infect ion. Source: analyticsindiamag.com Recycling industry The recycl ing industry was al ready struggl ing before the pandemic. Now, an increas ing number of c i t ies are suspending recyc l ing serv ices, part ly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavi rus f rom one another whi le sort ing through used water bott les , food containers and boxes. Source: analyticsindiamag.com Retail Industry The retai l industry is leaning more on automat ion to f ree up employees to deal w ith the crush of demand dur ing the pandemic. Source: analyticsindiamag.com Adoption of AI/ML in Healthcare Understanding how COVID-19 spreads Ear ly detect ion of d isease Speeding up research and treatment Enabl ing organizat ions to scale and adjust Source: analyticsindiamag.com Adoption of AI/ML in Banking Predict ing future losses Agi le r i sk management Liquidi ty management Source: analyticsindiamag.com Physical capability of robots Beyond pure ly inte l lectual tasks, the physical capabi l i ty of robots is a lso rapidly advancing. Source: www.theguardian.com Improved processing of visual information Improved process ing of v isual information means that dr iver less cars are now on the hor izon and a g lance at some of the ga l loping and armoured machines developed by Boston Dynamics g ives a s inister h int of the mi l i tary potent ia l . Source: www.theguardian.com