What Is The Role Of Genetics?


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What Is The Role Of Genetics?

WHAT IS THE ROLE OF GENETICS? INTRODUCTION  Genet ics , study of heredity in general and of genes in part icular. Genet ics forms one of the central p i l lars of bio logy and over laps wi th many other areas, such as agr icul ture, medic ine , and biotechnology. Source: www.britannica.com RECOGNITION OF GENETICS  Since the dawn of c iv i l i zat ion, humankind has recognized the infl uence of heredi ty and appl ied i ts pr inc ip les to the improvement of cu l t ivated crops and domest ic animals. Source: www.britannica.com IDENTIFICATION OF GENES  Genet ics arose out of the ident ifi cat ion of genes, the fundamental uni ts responsible for heredity.  Genet ics may be defi ned as the study of genes at a l l levels , inc luding the ways in which they act in the ce l l and the ways in which they are t ransmitted f rom parents to off spr ing. Source: www.britannica.com MODERN GENETICS  Modern genet ics focuses on the chemica l substance that genes are made of , ca l led deoxyr ibonucle ic ac id, or DNA, and the ways in which i t aff ects the chemical react ions that const i tute the l iv ing processes with in the ce l l . Source: www.britannica.com HISTORICAL BACKGROUND  Although sc ient ifi c evidence for patterns of genetic inher i tance d id not appear unt i l Mendel ’s work, h is tory shows that humankind must have been interested in heredi ty long before the dawn of c iv i l izat ion. Source: www.britannica.com EARLY MOLECULAR GENETICS  In 1908 Br i t ish phys ic ian Archibald Garrod proposed the important idea that the human disease alkaptonur ia, and certain other hereditary d iseases, were caused by inborn errors of metabol ism, suggest ing for the fi rst t ime that l inked genes had molecular act ion at the ce l l leve l . Source: www.britannica.com Cytogenetics  Cytogenet ics , the microscopic s tudy of chromosomes, b lends the ski l l s of cytologists , who study the structure and act iv i t ies of ce l l s , wi th those of genetic ists , who study genes. Source: www.britannica.com Microbial genetics  Microorganisms were general ly ignored by the ear ly genet ic is ts because they are smal l in s ize and were thought to lack var iable tra i ts and the sexual reproduct ion necessary for a mix ing of genes f rom diff erent organisms. Source: www.britannica.com Molecular genetics  Molecular genet ics i s the study of the molecular structure of DNA, i ts ce l lu lar act iv i t ies ( inc luding i ts repl icat ion) , and i ts infl uence in determining the overal l makeup of an organism. Source: www.britannica.com Genomics  Genomics is the study of the structure, funct ion, and evo lut ionary comparison of whole genomes.  Genomics has made i t poss ible to study gene funct ion at a broader level , reveal ing sets o f genes that interact to impinge on some bio logical property of interest to the researcher. Source: www.britannica.com