The different uses of Satellites


Uploaded on Jun 8, 2023

Category Technology

PPT on Satellites

Category Technology



The different uses of Satellites

THE DIFFERENT USES OF SATELLITES Banking Banks use navigat ional satel l i tes to manage and synchronize transact ions of al l types and authorize card act ivity. Source: Energy Networks Energy networks use navigation satel l i tes to organise power grids. Source: Transport Trains use navigational satel l i tes for signal ing and autonomous vehicles require real-t ime location data. Source: Defence Mil i tary organisations and defence need accurate, real-t ime guidance for weapons systems and aircraft, as wel l as detai led ground intel l igence for their fi eld agents. Source: Civil Emergency services, such as ambulances or fi refi ghters, use navigat ion systems for vehicles transport. Source: TV Communication satel l i tes power scheduled TV programming as wel l as on- fi eld report ing. Source: Consumer Many phone appl ications and search engines ask to use location information to improve their service. Source: Weather Satel l i tes can provide a large-scale view of weather condit ions across the globe. Earth Observation satel l i tes can also monitor environmental incidents for reasons of safety, emergency response, and pol icy. Source: THANK YOU