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PPT on Science: A blessing and a curse.
Science: A blessing and a curse
SCIENCE: A BLESSING AND A CURSE INTRODUCTIO In ancient times, maNn was a helpless toy in the hands of nature. He was completely at the mercy of forces of nature and lived with the constant fear of strong creatures. But with the blessings of science, he has now become the master of land, water and sky. Source: www.competitionreview.in SCIENCE IS POWER WHICH BRINGS PROSPERITY The groFwth Oof sciRence haTs givHen riEse to better technology, techniques, equipment and devices which are helpful in improving our lives. It has made many things easy thPat wEere dOifficulPt eaLrlier.E As a result, it has become possible for man to give more time to his talent and interest rather than spending it in doing hard and tiresome jobs. Source: mystudentsessays.com IT PROVIDES INFORMATION ABOUT THE SURROUNDIN GS OF THE The growtWh of scOience Rhas gLiveDn rise to better technology, techniques, equipment and devices which are helpful in improving our lives. It has made many things easy that were difficult earlier. As a result, it has become possible for man to give more time to his talent and interest rather than spending it in doing hard and tiresome jobs. Source: mystudentsessays.com SCIENCE HAS HELPED US TO KNOW THE UNKNOWN In past, Tno oHne cIouNld mGake Sa gu esIs Nat wh at was going on inNside Athe TearUth because nobody had seen its interior part which iRs stiEll not visible to us. But with the help of modern science, we know many unknown things in nature like what is inside the earth and how does it happen. Source: mystudentsessays.com SCIENCE HAS MADE OUR LIVES COMFORTABLE BY SAVING WTith ItheM inveEntion, of eElectrNicity, EsteamR poGwer, mYoto r cars, aeroplanes etc., life has become easier than ever beAfore NmakiDng us coEmforFtablFe. EaOrlier, people used to do jobs manually and it took a lot of timRe toT comSplete a job but now machines have done away with it. So, we can save our time and efforts by using machines for work. Source: mystudentsessays.com SCIENCE HAS MADE AVAILABLE FOOD PRODUCTS IN PLENTY WHICH In past, if onMe wanAted toK enjoEy ta steU and Snutritive value of various food items, one had to procure them from nearby areas because transportation routes were limited. This process toHok a Elot oAf timeL crTeatinHg shoYrtage in foods which adversely affected health. But with the growth of science, transportation has become easy making all types of food products available in plenty. Source: mystudentsessays.com THE WORLD IS DIRTY AND POLLUTED We cannot deny the fact that we are living in an environment which contains many harmful pollutants, more than ever before. These are mainly released by cars, factories, industries, electricity plants etc., which have made our surrounding dirty and polluted. Source: mystudentsessays.com THERE IS TOO MUCH STRESS ON SCIENCE EDUCATION CFhildOren aRre fo rcCed tHo stuIdyL scDienceR fromE prNimary classes itself, right from 5th standard. This has caused them more pressure than required which might have negative impact on their personality development during childhood. So it can be said that Science education is a curse for children. Source: mystudentsessays.com SCIENCE HAS MADE US LESS SPIRITUAL Science is inclined towards materialistic things and has no place for anything related to spirituality, whereas religion can be termed as source of knowledge about human life which tells people the way they should live. But science doesn’t care about our feelings and emotions, it only cares about physical world. So it can be said that science has deprived humans from their spiritual life, thus making them less spiritual. Source: mystudentsessays.com SCIENCE HAS NO PLACE FOR LOVE AND AFFECTION Science doesn’t care about our emotions, they only deal with physical world and talk about laws of nature such as gravity, magnetism etc. which can be proved by laboratory experiments or any other means. They don’t say anything about the feelings and emotions of a person. So it can be said that science tells us nothing about how to love someone or how we should behave towards our loved ones. Source: mystudentsessays.com