Why does the sky change its color during a sunset?


Uploaded on Feb 8, 2023

Category Education

PPT on why the sky changes its color during a sunset

Category Education



Why does the sky change its color during a sunset?

Why does the sky change its color during a sunset? INTRODUCTION  The colors we see in the sky come from sunl ight that i s scattered by molecules in the atmosphere . This process is cal led Rayle igh scatter ing. Source: scied.ucar.edu SEPARATE WAVELENGTHS  Nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the molecules in our atmosphere, but any gas or aeroso l suspended in the ai r wi l l scatter rays of sunl ight into separate wave lengths of l ight . Source: scied.ucar.edu Why Is the Sky Blue?  Sunl ight is made up of a l l the colors of l ight . I t appears as whi te l ight when al l the colors are together. Sunl ight t ravels as waves of energy, and diff erent co lors of l ight have diff erent wavelengths. Source: scied.ucar.edu How Does a Rainbow Form?  Rainbows resul t f rom l ight that scatters ins ide of water droplets .  This is why you only see ra inbows after i t has ra ined, when there is water in the atmosphere and the Sun is sh in ing. Source: scied.ucar.edu Why Are Sunrise and Sunset so Colorful?  The angle of sunl ight as i t enters the atmosphere also aff ects the color of the sky.  During sunr ise or sunset , when the Sun is c lose to the hor izon, the l ight must t ravel through more of the atmosphere than i t does when the Sun is overhead. Source: scied.ucar.edu How Does Air Pollution Affect Sunset Colors?  Intense red sunsets are often v is ible when forest fi res are burning nearby, or when volcanic erupt ions happen.  The most heavi ly pol luted c i t ies in the wor ld a lso tend to have more orange and red sunsets, resul t ing f rom an abundance of human-made aerosols . Source: scied.ucar.edu Why does a setting sun look orange?  When the sun sets, i ts l ight i sn 't just graz ing the Earth, as seen from where you are, but i t 's a lso coming through a lot of Earth's atmosphere .  That means a lot of molecules and smal l part ic les in the ai r , which change the d irect ion of l ight rays. Source: scied.ucar.edu When the sun look red?  Because red has the longest wavelength of any v is ib le l ight , the sun is red when i t ’ s on the hor izon, where i ts extremely long path through the atmosphere b locks a l l other colors . Source: scied.ucar.edu THANK YOU