Uploaded on Jul 25, 2023
PPT on Surveillance Capitalism
Surveillance Capitalism
SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM WHAT IS SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM? Surveillance capitalism is the monetization of data captured through monitoring people's movements and behaviors online and in the physical world. Consumer surveillance is most commonly used for targeted marketing and advertising. Source: www.techtarget.com DATA COLLECTION They collect surplus data obtained from an individual's interactions with digital devices, websites and applications. This is data that doesn't have a direct relevance to an individual's use of a digital device or service but is a byproduct of that use. Source: www.techtarget.com PREDICTION PRODUCTS The data is fed into advanced machine intelligence manufacturing processes that use artificial intelligence technologies to fabricate prediction products that are able to anticipate what a person will do now, soon and later. Source: www.techtarget.com BEHAVIORAL MARKETS Companies sell these products in a new kind of marketplace for behavioral predictions that Zuboff referred to as "behavioral futures markets." Businesses in these markets include insurance, retail, finance and an expanding economic sector of e-businesses. Source: www.techtarget.com THE BIG DATA ECONOMY The late 20th century has seen our economy move away from mass production lines in factories to become progressively more reliant on knowledge. Source: www.theconversation.com THE BIG DATA ECONOMY CONT. Surveillance capitalism, on the other hand, uses a business model based on the digital world, and is reliant on “big data” to make money. Source: www.theconversation.com DATA COLLECTION The data used in this process is often collected from the same groups of people who will ultimately be its targets. Source: www.theconversation.com DATA BROKERS Third-party data brokers, as opposed to companies that hold the data like Google or Facebook, are also on- selling our data. These companies buy data from a variety of sources, collate information about individuals or groups of individuals, then sell it. Source: www.theconversation.com THANK YOU