Tim Berners-Lee - The Man Who Created the World Wide Web.


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Category Education

PPT on the biography of Tim Berners-Lee.

Category Education



Tim Berners-Lee - The Man Who Created the World Wide Web.

Tim Berners-Lee - THE MAN WHO CREATED THE WORLD WIDE WEB Introduction In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, an Internet-based hypermedia in i t iat ive for g lobal informat ion shar ing whi le at CERN, the European Part ic le Physics Laboratory. 2 Source: www.internethalloffame.org Specifications He wrote the fi rst web c l ient and server in 1990. His specifi cat ions of URIs , HTTP and HTML were refi ned as web technology spread. 3 Source: www.internethalloffame.org Director of the World Wide Web Consortium He is Di rector of the World Wide Web Consort ium (W3C) , a Web standards organizat ion founded in 1994 that develops interoperable technologies to lead the Web to i ts ful l potentia l . 4 Source: www.internethalloffame.org Web Science Trust He is a founding Di rector of the Web Sc ience Trust (WST) launched in 2009 to promote research and educat ion in Web Sc ience, the mult idisc ip l inary study of humani ty connected by technology. 5 Source: www.internethalloffame.org Early life Berners-Lee was born on 8 June 1955 in London, England, the e ldest of the four chi ldren of Mary Lee Woods and Conway Berners-Lee; h is brother Mike is a professor o f ecology and c l imate change management. His parents were computer sc ient ists who worked on the fi rst commercia l ly bui l t computer, the Ferrant i Mark 1 . 6 Source: Wikipedia Education He at tended Sheen Mount Pr imary Schoo l , and then went on to at tend south -west London 's Emanue l Schoo l f rom 1969 to 1973, a t the t ime a d i rect g rant g rammar schoo l , wh ich became an independent schoo l i n 1975. He s tud ied at The Queen 's Co l lege , Oxford , f rom 1973 to 1976, where he rece ived a fi rst - c lass Bachelor o f A r ts degree in phys i cs . Whi le a t un ivers i ty , Berners - Lee made a computer out o f an o ld te lev is ion set , wh ich he bought f rom a repa i r shop . 7 Source: Wikipedia Personal life Berners-Lee marr ied Nancy Car lson, an American computer programmer, in 1990. She was a lso working in Swi tzer land at the World Health Organizat ion. They had two chi ldren and divorced in 2011. In 2014, he marr ied Rosemary Le i th at the Chapel Royal , St . James's Palace in London. 8 Source: Wikipedia Career After graduat ion, Berners-Lee worked as an engineer at the te lecommunicat ions company Plessey in Poole , Dorset . In 1978, he jo ined D. G. Nash in Ferndown, Dorset , where he helped create typesett ing software for pr inters . 9 Source: Wikipedia Awards and honours Berners-Lee has received many awards and honours. He was knighted by Queen El izabeth I I in the 2004 New Year Honours " for serv ices to the g lobal deve lopment of the Internet" , and was invested formal ly on 16 July 2004. 10 Source: Wikipedia Awards and honours cont. On 13 June 2007, he was appointed to the Order o f Mer i t (OM), an order restr ic ted to 24 ( l iv ing) members . Bestowing membership of the Order of Mer i t is wi thin the personal purv iew of the Queen and does not requi re recommendation by ministers or the Pr ime Minister. 11 Source: Wikipedia Thank you 12